Page 52 of Wicked Embers
“I was really hoping it was Mark, but something tells me by the look on your face that it’s his daughter! Which now also leads me to believe you know exactly what they are looking for and why!”
The fear is gone in a flash and her composure back in place as she skillfully turns the conversation to another topic. “Speaking of Leigh Dalton—“ My mother’s eyes narrow with sharp disapproval. “What’s this about you winning her in a poker game and holding her against her will at the estate.”
“How could Carla know Leigh’s at the estate?”
“Carla is Mark Dalton’s emergency contact. The hospital called Carla. When she couldn’t reach Leigh, she called Sabrina to track her down.”
My jaw clamps as I realize the only way Sabrina would know that is if Leigh had somehow managed to call her. That crafty little witch smuggled her phone past me.
I make a mental note to ask Dolph to find and clone Leigh’s phone when he gets the songbook. If Leigh is working with the Greeks or has any contact with them, I’ll have a better chance of understanding her connection if I gain access to her phone.
“I won Leigh fairly, and because she’s worth more than the pot, I forgave Mark’s considerable gambling debt.” I lean on my elbows watching my mother go slightly rigid. “You know our rules, Mother. Leigh’s paying off her father’s debt, which makes her mine.”
“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” My mothers anger rises as she stares at me in disbelief. “Jesus, Radomir, this could cause an international incident if it got out and we’re not a family that need that kind of attention.”
“How so?” I bait her. “Our family have taken many people before. A good number of which are even never seen or heard from again. We haven’t had an international incident yet. What makes Leigh so special?”
I sit back watching my mother on the screen and I know I’m wearing on her patience but the tightening of her jaw.
“Stop being glib, Radomir.” My mothers voice lowers. “Mark wouldn’t have trusted you with Leigh unless he gave you the documents. And if he has given them to you, this is no time for games.”
“Oh, yes, you’re talking about the documents that authenticate my prize I won as a pedigree heiress!”
“Please do not refer to Leigh as a prize.” Her tone is so icy I’m surprised my phone hasn’t frozen on its desk stand. I’m about to respond when to my surprise the ice melts away to be replaced by a smug smile. “And in case you haven’t already figured it out, my son, it wasn’t you that won that game last night. You’ve been caught in a far bigger game than you realize, and the odds were never in your favor.”
Chapter 20
I’m already furious, knowing I was played last night. I don’t need my mother rubbing it in—smugly reminding me that I’ve been a pawn in Dalton’s long game. In short, I got conned.
“I don’t need you rubbing it in my face, mother.” My eyes narrow. “I did realize I’d been played when Mark Dalton magically transformed from pathetic meek conman to threatening me if anything happen to Leigh.”
“Didn’t your father and I teach you to never judge a book by its cover? That’s Bratva 101.” She’s in full swing with mocking me and enjoying it before something dawns on her and she turns accusing eyes on me. “Did you stab Mark?”
“I didn’t stab the prick. If I wanted Dalton dead, I’d have put a bullet in his head. Guts on the floor? Not my style. That’s more your younger brother’s way,” I remind her, hitting back for mocking me about falling for Marks con. Uncle Dmitri is a swear word in our family. The man is a complete out of control psycho that even my brutal grandfather disowned for being too cruel.
“Was it one of your men?” She ignores my slur on her younger brother.
“No!” I shake my head. “At a guess I’d say it was either the Russians or the Greeks who broke into Marks room and ransacked it as they did to both my offices here at the Diamond Hotel.”
“It’s fair to assume they were all after the same thing, just like in Carla’s dressing room.”
“Yes, and I have a feeling the attack on the truck this afternoon was a diversion tactic so I wouldn’t be in my offices. They leave a man bleeding out with a message for me knowing I’d go to the scene of the crime,” I explain. “Fredrik suspects Daniil’s been feeding intel to whoever’s attacking us. I didn’t want to believe it until I found out his sister was one of the burglars.”
“Are you serious?” My mother’s eyes widen. “We’ve known Daniil’s family for years.”
“Well, they’re traitors and probably have been all along,” I tell her. “And as soon as Daniil is able, Gunner will interrogate him.”
“What about his sister? Have you got her in custody?”
“Her and the other hotel staff member that breached my offices killed themselves after sending a message to a burner in Greek stating they found nothing,” I fill her in.
“Did you catch who ransacked Mark’s room? While there are no camera’s in his room, there are outside the rooms,” she urges me.
“The feed to that section of the hotel had been disabled,” I answer. “Pointing to someone else on our staff that can’t be trusted and this time it’s either security or management.”
“Why weren’t the cameras to your offices switched off?” Her frown deepens.