Page 60 of Wicked Embers
“Are you twelve or special needs?” Nikolas sneers. “This isn’t a clubhouse or playground.”
“No password, no entry,” Sabrina states and I’m sure she’s gone mad.
Olive’s composure cracks. “Stop playing games, you little bitch. Finish wrapping those journals and then you’re taking us to Leigh.” She turns to Nikolas and says something in Greek looking at me.
A cold chill runs down my spine. My hand inches toward my gun under the table.
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that,” Sabrina tells them and rattles off something in Greek—impressive she speaks Greek too. She turns to me. “Olive just told Nikolas that they must kill you.”
“Goo to know!” My hand grips my gun a little tighter. "To cowardly to tell me in English?"
“Don’t worry. I told them if they killed you they’d die because there’s poison on the door handle that they both just touched,” Sabrina explains. “And only I, have the antidote which is hidden.”
I look at her in amazement. Crafty!
“You’re lying!” Nikolas says, his eyes narrowing as he looks at his hands.
“I believe it was your late wives favorite way of getting rid of everyone in her way.” Sabrina gives them a smug smile. “The moment you touched that door handle, you were exposed to a poison. You’ve got about twenty minutes before your organs start shutting down.”
“You fucking little whore!” Olive raises her gun at Sabrina.
“No!” Nikolas barks. “Don’t. We need the antidote in case she’s not lying.”
"Oh! I'm not lying!" Sabrina assures them.
“Yes, but I can still punch her.” Olive lunges at Sabrina, and I seize the moment. My hand whips up, and I fire. The shot echoes through the cabin, and Nikolas staggers, his gun has been knocked from his hand and he’s clutching his shoulder.
Sabrina moves like a viper, slamming a chair into Olive’s head. The woman crumples to the floor, unconscious.
Nikolas leans against the wall, blood staining his shirt. His gaze locks with mine, furious and defiant. “This isn’t over, Molchanov.” He turns and heads down the hallway of the cabin looking for another way out.
“No,” I growl. “It’s not.”
I’m about to rush after the fucker but Sabrina stops me.
“No don’t.” She grabs her bag and shoves the journals inside. “We need to go,” she hisses. “Leave him.” The venom in her voice jolts me along with the spark of malice in her eyes. “He’s not getting out of here alive this time!”
I hesitate, torn between finishing Nikolas and getting Sabrina out safely
“Bring her.” She nods towards Olive. “She probably knows just as much as has that coward.” Sabrina glances to where Nikolas ran.
I holster my gun and scoop Olive’s limp body over my shoulder. Sabrina follows me outside, locking the cabin door behind her.
“What about the poison?” I give her a worried look.
“What poison?” She gives me a cheeky smile. “I was just testing to see who these two really are and now I know.”
I make a mental note to ask what she means later. We rush to my SUV. I dump Olive in the backseat and slide behind the wheel. Sabrina hops in the front passenger seat.
As we drive away, she fidgets with something in her lap. I glance over, noticing the small remote in her hand.
“What’s that?” I demand.
She presses a button without answering.
The explosion rocks the night, a fireball consuming the cabin. Flames reach for the sky as the structure collapses in on itself.
“Jesus Christ,” I hiss.