Page 59 of Under the Waves
I couldn’t rewrite the past or manipulate time. I wasn’t Stephen Strange.
Belle and Logan eyed the food hungrily, and I swear each time I blinked, they got closer and closer to the food. Lucas, however, was disinterested in it, remaining sat down on the floor with a little red firetruck and yellow Lego figures.
“Oh yeah, Wellsy?” I smirked, pulling her down so she could sit down next to me.
“Yeah,” Poppy smiled softly, turning her gaze away from mine as our thighs brushed. I could feel the heat of her neck radiating against my skin and I readjusted myself on the couch next to her, Jakson eyeing me with a stupid grin on his lips. “She inspires me to never give up. That no matter how unattainable my dreams may seem to others, all I have to do is keep trying because someday, I’ll get there.”
I smile, a genuine smile. “That’s beautiful, Wellsy.”
“I think my favorite princess is definitely Elsa,” the asshole in question grinned, throwing his arms out like she does in the movie. Lia chuckled, sitting down next to him, and thatright theremade any humiliation from that comment worth it for him. As long as she was happy, as long as she was the one laughing, it would always be worth it to him.
Belle was now standing so close to the table her knees were touching it. I glanced at Lia, and when she nodded, I picked up the plate of cookies. “The price for one cookie,” I mused, comically, “is one hug for your favorite uncle.”
Jakson grinned, accepting the silent challenge I just laid before us.
You’re on,his eyes seemed to glisten.
Belle, of course, threw herself at me almost immediately, nearly knocking all the cookies to the floor. Thankfully, Poppy took the plate from my arms before any of them could spill.
I placed a quick, soft kiss to her hair and she high fived me. “That’s myFarfallina,” I whispered, and she beamed up at me, her lips tugged into a wide grin.
My little butterfly. She couldn’t see the colors of her wings, but I could, and they were beautiful. I just hoped that one day, she would see that too.
Logan came next and tried to jump up onto Jakson like Belle did for me, but he ended up running straight into the couch because he was so small. Jakson chuckled and lifted him up, tickling him as Logan giggled.
I dramatically pushed my hand against my heart and gaped at the two of them. “This betrayal,Cattivello…I’m shocked.”
Jakson, like the idiot he was, winked at me but his smug look washed away when Lia elbowed him in the ribs and told him tostop being apig-headed egotistical asshole.I chuckled at the remark, but as soon as I did, I regretted it because nowIwas on the receiving end of two deathly cold glares from both LiaandPoppy. Jakson didn’t reveal anything, but I could see the smugness gleaming in his eyes.Asshole.
“Lucs, do you want a cookie?” Lia asked, shaking her head at us.
Logan jumped over her and sat down eagerly next to Poppy, holding his hands out as she handed him a cookie. He started talking to her over gobbled mouthfuls and she smiled down at him, answering every question he threw her way. The sight made my own lips curve into a grin. He’d only just met her but the way he was looking up at her could’ve fooled me that they were anythingbutstrangers.
“I’m not hungry,” Lucas said, not looking up from his toys. Lia’s eyes, laced in worry, landed on Jakson—the two of them seemed to be able to communicate without saying a word. It was intriguing yet weird to watch. He seemed to ease her worries as she lent into his touch. His arm wrapped around her side, huddling her to his chest, as his hand drew small circles on the top of her thigh.
“Okay, well if you get hungry buddy, the cookies are just on the table.” Jakson finished for her as she sent him a grateful look.
“How is your favorite princessnotMoana?” Belle frowned.
Poppy laughed lightly. “Can you keep a secret?” Belle’s eyes lit up as she nodded eagerly. “Well…” She whispered, “I have two favorites, and Moana is my other one.”
Belle giggled and whispered not-so-quietly back. “I have two favorites too! Tiana and Moana, just like you!”
“No way!” Poppy gasped as Belle nodded proudly.
It was so fucking cute to watch.
“Hey, monkey, I thought your favorite was Belle?” Jakson asked.
Belle rolled her eyes at him. “I’m over her now. I share the same favorites as Poppy. You’re just jealous that you don’t.”
“Damn,” Jakson frowned, “Is it that obvious?”
Belle nodded straightly, “Yes, it’s sad.”
I couldn’t stop myself as I laughed so fucking hard my chest hurt and the sound turned into wheezes. Poppy chuckled along with me and Belle beamed, her face lighting up as she watchedus all laugh at her comment.
“Ha, very funny.” Jakson rolled his eyes, despite the small grin tugging on his lips. If we weren’t careful, Belle would turn into a comical mini Jakson. The thought made me laugh even more.