Page 79 of Crimson Tears
He looks at me and swallows. But after a moment, he nods and climbs in, his fingers encasing her hand as he sits at her side.
“You all need a shower,” Doc says, breaking the silence between us.
I shake my head, a short laugh escaping me, but Cillian doesn’t even look up. I jerk my chin at Doc, asking to switch seats. Hemoves immediately, allowing me to slide right next to Cillian. I rest a hand on his shoulder and squeeze.
He might not be ready to talk, but with my men, I have found that simply being a solid presence can be enough.
“I thought we were going to lose her,” Cillian finally says, his voice thick with fear.
I pull his shoulder, bringing his gaze to meet mine so that he understands the seriousness of what I am about to say.
“I willneverlet that happen, Kid. We are family now.” I squeeze his shoulder tighter and he nods.
“Together?” he asks.
We arrive at the hospital and Doc gives us both a look I know too well.
“I am not leaving her side,” I state simply. However, my friend is no longer afraid of me. He knows I need him alive and well, so he is one of the few who will stand firm against me.
Just when he goes to speak and a few of his trusted nurses take the stretcher with Nessa on it behind two doors, Cillian steps in. “I’m going with her,” he says, pushing the doors open. Doc stands in his way.
“This is a sterile room.”
I can see the muscle in Cillian’s jaw tick, and as he starts to raise his hand, I grab his shoulder.
“Stop,” I command. He freezes and turns to shoot me a venomous glare.
“I amnotleaving her.” He growls, his body shaking with barely controlled rage.
“If you go back there, you put her at risk,” Doc says, the only words capable of stopping us in our tracks.
“How?” Cillian asks sharply.
Doc’s eyes soften. “She has an infection, a severe one. You’re full of dust, dirt, and Hades only knows what else.”
Cillian’s muscles begin to relax ever so slightly as he begins to understand.
“I’m not going far, then.” Doc nods immediately.
“I agree, you should stay close.” That has us both stiffening. “Not because she is at that high of risk, but because I do not want her to wake and worry.”
“Doc,” I grit out, losing my patience.
He sighs. “Go to the suites. I will have my nurse call the moment we are done.”
“Until then?” Cillian questions.
Doc pats him on the shoulder, and to my surprise, the kid lets him. “She is going to be sedated while I carefully clean her wounds, wrap her fingers, and ensure the burns on her feet don’t need skin grafts. The bruising on her abdomen indicates that there is a possibility of internal bleeding. I need to run some tests to make sure it is not serious. I cannot do these things with the two of you posing an infection risk and the danger to my life each time I do my job in a way you might not agree.”
He levels Cillian with a hard stare, and I blow out a long breath. I would micromanage his every move and Cillian would question every time he laid a finger on Nessa. At the end of the day, I trust Doc with more than just my life, I trust him with my family.
“Let’s shower, Kid. I know where to go.”
“I will have supplies sent up for Cillian’s wounds.” Doc points to Cillian’s fingers which are bloody from chipping away at the wall.