Page 85 of Crimson Tears
“Did they hurt her?”
Immediately, I know he’s talking about the men who tried to restrain me. They may have been doing it to help me, but they were rough and really feckin’ rude. But I don’t want Boris to leave me to deal with them. I need him here even if it feels weak to admit it.
“Don’t leave,” I beg, my eyes still closed to focus on my breathing, and to stay away from the sensitive lights around me. I think I hit my head a little harder than I thought.
Boris pulls me close as Doc responds.
“They could have caused some damage, but I will handle it.”
I crack my eyes open to see Boris nod. He lies back on the bed, his warmth bringing me more comfort than I ever thought possible.
“She will need a new IV, and I want the monitors on her in case anything goes wrong or the medications aren’t working.”
I stiffen but understand. Now that I know we are all okay, I’m much more likely to cooperate without trying to kill anyone.I hope.
I attempt to sit up to agree when my ribs spasm in protest, aching more with each breath as I begin to hyperventilate from the pain.
“She needs something now, Doc.”
Cillian’s clipped tone leaves no room for argument but I panic anyway. I can’t wake up without them again.
“Don’t leave me,” I say as Doc approaches with a syringe.
I trust him, but I don’t want to be left alone while I’m vulnerable. Anyone could come in here and take me, including my father. I have no fight left in me to give at this point. If he came in here, it would be over.
“Sweetheart, we are not going anywhere.” Cillian tucks some of my wild hair behind my ear.
“I will not leave your side ever again, my little fox. We will be here,together.” He threads his fingers with mine, and even though I can still feel the prickle of pain from where needles were jammed under my nails, I squeeze him tight.
“To-together,” I stutter.
“That’s our good girl,” Cillian praises.
“Just let Doc help you.” Boris pleads with me. “We are not going anywhere.”
My lip wobbles as Doc looks at me.
“I need your consent now that you are awake. This will help with the pain, and you’ll be able to get some rest. When you’re comfortable, I’ll start a new IV to help with the infection and dehydration.”
“Okay. J-just don’t let them leave.”
A soft smile touches his lips that has my body easing. I can trust him, Idotrust him.
“They will stay right here, you have my word. I will have those we trust bring you all anything you might need.”
“Lisichka, I will not leave you again. No matter what.” I can hear the promise in his voice, feel the vow from the way his body presses into me.
I close my eyes and nod my head in agreement before a prick of pain greets my arm. It takes a minute, but soon everything starts to feel heavy. The last thing I hear is Cillian reprimanding Boris as if he were the child in the room.
“The fact that you have to say ‘again’ is a problem we need to discuss, Old Man.”
Chapter 26
“The fact that you have to say ‘again’ is a problem we need to discuss, Old Man.”
I watch as Nessa drifts to sleep in our arms, that pinch of discomfort on her face since the moment I walked in the room finally begins to fade and with it the ache in my chest eases. The way she worked herself up so fast, and the agony she must have been in when I heard her scream had really taken its toll on her.
But when she wakes up this next time, it will be in my arms. I have no idea how Doc convinced me to shower and Boris to get coffee, but I will be very adamant that the next time one of usneeds to leave, the other will be staying. Without a word, I know Boris agrees with me on that.