Page 1 of Devil in Disguise
1 year ago
Cameron and I have crossed paths many times, but it wasn’t until we ended up in rooms right next to each other that I began to really notice him.
After Nessa lost the baby, the two of us took up residency in the large estate in Norway. Cameron was struggling a bit, blaming himself for Nessa’s loss, so I offered my services. Itdidn’t take long before we realized there was something between us.
Which is why I had to put up a wall. He kissed me, poured his soul out to me, and I walked away. Yet, the next day, he was still there.
His charming smile helped to settle my nerves even as I tried not to let myself get used to it.
As much as everyone here is a family, for me, this is a job. If I cross that line, then there’s no going back. I’m a therapist and a psychiatrist, trained in many different fields with two doctorates. I have no business toying with emotions like love because I know just how sticky that can be.
“Good morning,” a soothing voice says as I step out of my room to head down to breakfast. The kids will be moving into their new house soon, and I want to get a head start on the day because some of them are going to need a little help with the change.
“Good morning,” I reply in my most professional voice. I can tell Cameron sees right through my act as I adjust my blouse and walk down the stairs, only barely catching his words.
“It is, now that I’ve seen you.”
My heart flutters in my chest, but I take a big boot and stomp on that fucker because I cannot go there. I could lose this life if I did. Things are finally stable for me, and I’m not sure I’m ready to give that up. Not even for all of the tea in the world.
So I make myself a hot cuppa and do my best to focus on work.Only work.And not the sexy-as-hell doctor who sleeps in the room next to mine.
Chapter 1
Present Day
Do you know how hard it is to walk away from the woman you think could be the one? I do.
But Kandace never gave me a choice. I opened up to her, and she even shared some of her past with me. Yet, when I made my feelings about her clear, she ran faster than a starved cheetah. I forced myself to move back to Russia because being in the room next to hers was pure torture.
I became a doctor for a few reasons. One was because of Boris.He needed someone on his team he could trust, and I felt like I owed it to him to fill in that space. He saved me after I made some very questionable choices in college. Ever since then, it feels like my responsibility to prove to him I was worth saving.
Two, because I really did want to help people, and I craved the position of control without the power struggle that came with working in this world.
And three, because I felt like it was the one job in this world where I could actually have a family. I wouldn’t be out on wild missions or at risk as some sort of bodyguard. And there would be space to come home and prioritize someone in my life.
I was wrong.
I’m now forty-six years old, getting into my car to head to a sex club as a favor to my friend and former boss, who’s still kind of my boss.
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the role. Not many men like to bow down to women in the bedroom, but I sure as fuck do.
That’s the thing about kink. You don’t really know unless you ask, and when you ask, most people look at you like you’ve lost your mind.
It’s why I invested in this club. I was so sick of matching up with women who wanted to be dominated in bed but didn’t know how to say that’s what they wanted. And I don’t like being in that position.
I want the woman to spell it out for me, take complete control. I want to worry about nothing other than crawling on my knees for her pleasure until she brings me my own.
In the operating room, I want control. But with sex, I want to be controlled in every way. If a woman took control of when I could or couldn’t breathe,fuck,I’d be all over that.
Hence, why I volunteered to go on stage and be whipped into submission by a guest dominatrix. Boris shared a picture of her with me and I instantly said yes.
The pointy red and black devil mask that covered half her face, the long black hair and dark eyes all wrapped in black leather and thigh-high boots had me drooling.
She may not be the woman I want, but she will surely be a good time tonight. Maybe, just for a few hours, I can ignore the yearning deep inside of my soul for the redheaded, blue-eyed woman that stole my heart, and just sink into subspace.
I didn’t do a lot of research on this woman because I trust Boris and know myself. If the topic is of interest to me, I can find myself going down a rabbit hole before I know it.