Page 21 of Yearn
Rock stood from the second floor, meaty arms crossed over his chest. “Everyone gets a drink on the house,” he grit out. “After your damn shift. Now move it, we’re opening.”
I pumped my fist in the air and blew him a kiss, laughing when he just glared at me. Rock was a pain in the ass but always celebrated our accomplishments. It was another reason we loved working here.
We finished setting up our sections when Gabriella showed up. “Huge congrats, Elle!” I watched as she hugged her, totally ignoring me. “I’m addicted to that show. You’ll be amazing.”
Elle gave me a sideways look but smiled. “Thanks.”
“Listen, why don’t I do a post giving you a shout out? I’ve got contacts who may be interested in a fresh face. Wanna do a live with me after work?”
I was fuming inside, but refused to show it. I caught Elle’s uncomfortable expression, but I also knew she wanted to do it. Even though I was tempted to pull the loyalty friend card, it wasn’t fair. I loved Elle too much to be petty. I spoke up. “That’s a great idea. Any type of reach is a good thing. Even yours.”
Gabriella shot me a look. “Absolutely. Because it didn’t seem to make a difference with yours,” she said sweetly. “I’m sure as her best friend you pushed her on your social.”
I had, but not regularly. Elle was in my posts as my friend, not an actress. I hated that I never thought about it and hated Gabriella more for pointing it out in front of Elle.
Elle stepped in. “I appreciate it, Gabriella. After work is great.”
“Awesome. The Rooftop was so fun, wasn’t it? How long have you known Adam?”
Her question was directed at Elle but I knew it was for my benefit. “About a year. That’s when we all really met and I started dating Coop,” Elle said.
“Well, you and Coop make a great couple. Definitely a good fit. Not like some other relationships I know.”
I laughed out loud. “You’re not even subtle,” I said. “And I don’t care what you think of me and Max, as long as you keep your trashy fingers off him.”
“What about Adam? Do you have a claim on him, too?” she asked, gaze narrowing in on my face.
I tried not to jerk back. “Do whatever you want with him,” I said with a shrug. “Just don’t think a fuck will get you entry into our group.”
“Maybe it’ll be more than that.” Her smile was an actual threat. “Maybe Adam and I will be a lot more. Like you and Max.”
Red swarmed my vision at the idea of Adam becoming involved with my arch enemy. Picturing them together made my stomach clench in disgust. They’d turn my safe place into a nightmare. But if I showed any weakness, she’d win. “Good luck. Obviously, you don’t know shit about Adam. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
I turned to dismiss her but her voice made me freeze in my tracks.
“Maybe it’s Max you really have to worry about. Not Adam.”
The savage in me roused, and I went to go after her hard, but Elle stepped in the middle of us. “Better get to work! See you later, Gabriella.”
Gabriella took off, obviously pleased with my reaction. “What’s wrong with her?” I hissed, shaking. “Why would she say that?”
Elle sighed. “Because you two trade barbs like Olympic players. God, it’s like you and Adam, just in a female form. Forget about her.”
“Elle, I’m sorry I never put you on my socials.”
She threw out her hands and gave me an impulsive squeeze. “Landon—stop! You’re my best friend and always support me. Gabriella can’t touch that, okay?”
I relaxed. “Okay.”
“I have to pee first.”
“See you later.”
I stopped to chat with Marly, the hostess. “How full are we?”
“Overbooked as usual,” she said, her gorgeous braids swinging past her waist. “Got some celebs coming your way so be on I game.”
I fluttered my lashes. “Aren’t I always? Anyone good?”