Page 35 of Yearn
My heart pounded frantically as my mind lurched to grasp this news. “You mean he sold his songs?”
Gabriella shook her head. “No, they want him to sing. Said he had the look that was big right now and he should be with a band. Adam is doing tryouts with some musicians to find the right fit.”
My jaw almost dropped. Adam had always been adamant about staying in the background, and only performed to promote his songs. He wanted to write, not sing. I focused on polishing glasses so Gabriella didn’t see my shock. “Wow, that’s a change. Did you convince him to sell out or was he bullshitting this whole time, pretending not to want the spotlight?”
Gabriella crossed her arms in front of her breasts and studied me. I hated how good she looked, with her curly red hair pinned up, showcasing her sensual features. Men found her completely fuckable. I’d peeked at her feed yesterday and noticed she’d gotten a big sponsorship for an up-and-coming beach designer selling bikinis. Meanwhile, I’d gotten a new round of rejections for some bigger modeling jobs. I despised feeling the bite of envy over her success when I only felt lost. “Adam makes his own decisions,” she said. “You should know that.”
I shrugged. “No one really knows Adam. Maybe this was what he wanted all along.”
“Or maybe he just decided to grab a big opportunity. Can’t fault him for that. You do it all the time.”
I arched my brow. “Oh, yeah? How do you figure?”
“You seem like an opportunity knocks kind of girl.”
I rolled my eyes at her cryptic words that I knew were an insult. “Depends on the opportunity. I don’t fuck someone to get something.”
“Neither do I.”
I cut her a look that spoke volumes and figured we’d get into it. Guess my sass automatically returned when I was around Gabriella. I squared off, ready to battle, but she surprised me by letting out a short laugh. “What’s funny?” I asked.
“This. Us. It’s stupid.” I blinked and she continued. “Listen, Landon, why do we have to keep doing this? You’re moving in with Max and I’m not interested in him. And I didn’t start hanging with Adam just to force my way into your posse. He’s cool. I like him, and Elle and even though you’re a raging bitch, I kind of think in a fucked-up way we could be friends if you gave us a try.”
I studied her face. She seemed genuine but I still didn’t know if I could trust her. “Why would you even want to be my friend?” I challenged.
“Because we’re both in the influencer industry. We both work at Red. We’re both fighters and bad bitches. It doesn’t have to be a competition. We could actually help each other.”
I picked through her words and wondered why her offer suddenly seemed possible. Hating on Gabriella was getting tiring, especially now that I saw how much Elle and Daisy seemed to like her. I’d pushed Max about cutting out Adam, but knew it was a bitch move. I was doing it out of guilt, because I had something to hide with Adam. I was being a huge hypocrite if I had to be honest with myself. I didn’t like how I’d been acting lately. “You want to be friends?”
She shook her head. “Too soon. But we can start with trying to be nice, and not going hard at each other. Maybe being open to more. I’m not kidding when I tell you if we did some type of partnership online, both our accounts would blow up. People love that shit.”
Gabriella was right. The idea that she’d be willing to try struck me hard. Was it possible she wasn’t as bad as I imagined? God knows, it would make the dynamics easier in the group if we all got along. I sensed she really wasn’t going after Max—she’d been keeping her hands off this week around him at the bar. As for Adam, sure it looked sketchy with her sudden interest, but Adam certainly hadn’t said no. Maybe, in some sick way, knowing he was sleeping with Gabriella would be a good barrier between us. Now that I’d decided to move in with Max, I needed some distance from Adam.
I was tired of girl drama lately. I needed to protect my energy. Plus, it wasn’t like I was going to cut myself open and be blood sisters. I was agreeing to be cordial and give her a chance. If she screwed up, I’d be the first to confront her.
“I can do a truce.”
Gabby lit up with pleasure and I felt good with my decision. “Awesome! How about we start small? Want to hang out after work?”
“I’m meeting Elle and Daisy to get something to eat.” I’d been with Max nonstop all week and needed some balance. But I also needed my close friends. I wasn’t ready to let Gabriella into my inner circle. “We’re going to hook up with the guys afterward, though, at Back Door. You want to come?”
I knew she probably would’ve showed up on her own, but my invitation confirmed I’d welcome her. No more giving her shit. “Perfect.” She jerked her head toward the first customers filing in for a late lunch—some buttoned-up suits from publishing who liked to make big deals over cocktails and promise authors shitthey’d never really get. “I think it’s showtime. I know Elle and you are the bomb, but why don’t we try to get out of here tonight with some serious money?”
I grinned, liking her focus. “I think I’m in.”
“Good. You take the one on the right and I’ll take the left.”
I shuddered. “God, he’s old.”
“It’s my way of trying to offer you my friendship.”
I couldn’t help but laugh and wondered if I’d look back on this decision as a turning point for the good.
Then again, maybe not.
Maybe it would be one of my greatest regrets.
I’d soon find out.