Page 52 of Yearn
“We’ll pretend it never happened?”
His jaw tightened. I watched the fury move over his features, sink into his eyes, then eventually disappear. “No. I’m not a liar. It happened, but I’m going to move on. Just like you, princess.”
The words stung. His face hardened, and those soft lips curled in a sneer. I knew then we’d returned to our original status: enemies. The kiss had destroyed any possibility of being friends, or having a cordial, drama free relationship. And I hated him for forcing us back there, even as a shred of me acknowledged there may not be a better way.
He stepped up to the counter and slid to the left to wait for his coffee. I ordered and did the same. The space between us was taken up by crushed possibilities, regrets, and the same throbbing sexual chemistry. “Well, good luck with Unison and the recording. I’m excited that Elle will be singing on the track.”
He ignored me.
Hot anger rushed through my veins. He was the one who’d kissed me! He was just as guilty but now I felt like the one who’d led him on. “So, you’re going back to being an asshole to me?”
He shot me a look. “Yep.”
The server handed us our coffee and Adam turned to leave. I burned my fingers on the cup but managed to stomp after him.
“If we’re going to be in this group together, you owe me some fucking respect. I didn’t go chasing after you, Adam. I didn’t kiss you or give you promises, so don’t take your shit out on me.”
He gave a vicious curse and kept walking. My voice rose and raw emotion pushed me to the edge.
“Fine, go ahead and get your panties in a tangle because I didn’t blow up my life for a quick fuck.”
He spun around and grabbed my arm. In seconds, he’d dragged me down a short corridor where the restroom and janitor closets were. “You spoiled, entitled brat. Didn’t kiss me back, huh? I could smell your wet cunt the moment my tongue got into your mouth. I could see your hungry eyes when I kissed Gabby, and your greedy little body begging to get fucked. By me. The only way you want it. Am I right, Landon? Or are you going to keep pretending I’m just beingsensitive?”
I went mute, my breath strangled in my lungs. Already, my nipples were hard and I couldn’t move, staring up at his furious, gorgeous face, desperate to touch him, to weep in his arms and ask for what I really wanted and couldn’t seem to outrun. Instead, I gave him my own anger and frustration, the only thing I could safely give. “I want to keep things the way they are, okay? This group is important to all of us and you being a constant dickhead only makes things harder.”
“You want polite? Neat and tidy? Fine. Just make sure you don’t keep looking at me with those fuck me eyes in front of your boyfriend.”
I practically spat out my words. “Forget it! I want nothing more to do with you. Go do your music and screw your groupies and pretend it was all my fault. Because I’m done. This sick, twisted thing between us is done!”
His face was inches away, gaze locked on mine. His pupils dilated and turned pure black. The scent of soap and spice assaulted my nostrils. He spoke softly, each word clearly accentuated in a grit and gravel voice. “Maybe this time you’ll say it and mean it. Because you’re right.” His breath softly hit my trembling lips. “I’m done with you.”
With another cold sneer, he gave me my distance. Swept his gaze over my body, then turned in dismissal.
“Hope your birthday was everything you wanted it to be, princess. See ya around.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
Listen to Love Somebody Else
by lovelytheband
“Hey, everything okay? You’re quieter than usual.”
I looked at Gabby, whose gaze was way too shrewd as she studied my face. Since her declaration about Landon being in love with me, she hadn’t mentioned it again. She sensed something had gone down in the hotel between us, especially since I spent the rest of the weekend avoiding Landon and watching her climb all over Max.
Of course, I was just as guilty. Kissing Gabby while I stared at Landon was fucked up. I knew Landon had gone back to the bedroom and fucked Max, but I guaranteed she was thinking of me the whole time. Since we were all high, Gabby never brought up the kiss, which made me feel better. I didn’t want to use Gabby as a stand-in for Landon. Sure, we could’ve easily had sex,but we connected more as friends, and it was easier to keep our relationship in that lane. Things were already too complicated.
“Yeah, just burnt out from practice.” I forced a grin and took a swig of beer. We were grabbing a quick lunch before she had to clock in at Red. Since Atlantic City, we’d all disappeared in work for a while. Coop scored a big photo shoot after doing the stint at Red; Max got a modeling gig; Noah had back-to-back DJ jobs; and I’d been practicing with Unison. We were almost done with recording, and then we’d hit it hard with shows before heading to LA for three weeks. Things were moving fast, as JJ had warned me.
I enjoyed hanging with the guys from Unison, but I felt like an outsider. The band had been tight for the past two years, trying to make it big, and that made for some strong bonds.
Our dynamics were good—I’d never been able to get along with some of the other bands I tried to sign on with but Xavier, Lance, and Seb were good guys and super laid back. I decided to step back from Landon, and the rest of our group to get my head screwed back right and stop panting after a woman who didn’t really want me. Oh, she wanted to fuck me. But want me? Nah—Max was too perfect for her to blow up her world. I didn’t even blame her. I wouldn’t do it for me, either. It wasn’t like I promised her a future.
After our interaction in AC, and the kiss that ruined me, I swore on a Bible I would stop.
It was too dangerous. The moment her lips met mine, and I devoured her sweet taste, felt her body melt and burn under my hands, it was all over. I would’ve given my soul to drag her to my room, strip her naked, and fuck her sweet, slow, and savage. I craved to make her come so many times under my tongue and fingers, she’d beg me to stop. I needed to imprint myself on her skin, my dick so deep in her wet pussy she’d never think of what it felt like before me.