Page 56 of Yearn
Max looked over and gave me that sexy, secret smile I loved so much, as if I was his world and only his. Warmth flushed through me. Everything was back to normal, the way it should be.
I headed to the bathroom and Gabby stumbled over, linking her arm in mine. “I gotta go bad.”
“Me, too. Why is the ladies room line always so damn long?”
“Because dudes own the clubs. It will be my next business venture. Wanna be my partner?”
I grinned at her. “Definitely. I think we’d make a great team.”
“Me, too. You’re much cooler than I originally thought,” she chirped.
“Back atcha.”
“Max is moving in tomorrow, right?”
“Are you happy, Landon? Really, really happy?”
I studied her face in the flashing club lights. Her gaze was locked on mine, her face set as if waiting for me to say something big; something that would change everything. I frowned, wondering about the odd question and what she thought I’d say.
“Of course. I love Max. He’s perfect for me.”
Her face fell and the line moved and she broke my gaze, ducking her head a bit. “That’s what I thought.”
“Gabby, are you okay? Do you need water? You’re not sick, are you?”
Her smile was suddenly back, flashing big and bright, and I wondered if I was the one who needed water from my sudden paranoia. “I’m great! Tonight rocks. Let’s not let it end too early, okay?”
I shook my head and laughed. “You got it.”
We used the bathroom and danced for another hour. Noah finished his set and the crowds began to thin and the sun threatened to end the party. Max headed out with Coop since he still had to finish packing for tomorrow’s move. I hung with Elle and Gabby for a bit, said my goodbyes, then went outside to wait for my Uber.
The app said my driver was six minutes away when Adam came up behind me.
“You good getting home?”
I nodded, afraid if I said too much the tentative peace between us would blow up.
He took a few steps, released a breath, and looked at me. “We’re good, Landon.”
My heartbeat sounded like a drum solo in my chest. “Are we?”
Now, he was the one who nodded. I caught a glint of sadness in his dark eyes, then it was gone. “Yes.”
My car pulled up and Adam disappeared down the street.
I climbed in and relaxed against the seat. Thank God, the driver wasn’t a talker. My purse was pulsing madly, so I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the list of notifications, mostly from social media from my last post.
A text popped up on my screen. I didn’t recognize the number but it also didn’t look like spam.
Thought you needed to see this.
There was a link below it. Usually, I never clicked on unknown links, but it was as if in those seconds, I recognized my need to know; my absolute driven impulse that screamed for me to see what the video was about.
A part of me deep inside knew already. I wished for porn, or an annoying telemarketer, or some spammy message.
Instead, I got so much more.