Page 26 of Crave
Rock promised to handle it all and Max walked out with me.
“I’m taking you home,” he said firmly. I tried to refuse but he was insistent. I longingly looked at my phone. All I wanted to do was call Adam and hear his voice. I needed to be in his arms and have him tell me it was all okay and then it would be. But Max was still freaking out and Adam had a gig in Brooklyn, and would probably crash at JJ’s place tonight. Did I really want to bother him with all this when he’d just gotten to bed? Or was out with the guys partying?
I wasn’t ready to tell Max the truth about Adam. Not right now. Not after this nightmare when I couldn’t thinkrationally and present my case. Max insisted on coming into my apartment. He poured me a glass of wine and fussed over me like we’d never been apart. A strange feeling settled into my stomach and I opened my mouth to tell him I wanted to be alone, but exhaustion finally hit hard and I suddenly felt like crying. I only wanted to go to bed and feel safe. I only wanted Adam.
“I’ll stay on the couch in case you need me or have a bad dream,” he said, grabbing a pillow and blanket. “Want something to help you sleep?”
I shook my head. “No, I’ll be okay. I need to lay down.”
He reached out to take my hand but I turned away. I wasn’t comfortable with any physical touching when we were alone. It wasn’t fair to Adam, or Max. Plus, it gave me the ick factor. Max shook his head and gave me a wry grin. “Sorry. Just a habit.”
I forced a smile. “It’s okay. You really don’t have to stay.”
“Landon, that was some scary shit. I’m not leaving you alone until I know you don’t need anything.”
I offered him a tired nod. I knew that stubborn look and there was nothing I could do. “Thanks. See you in the morning.”
I climbed under my covers and buried my face in the pillow. A deep-seated weariness swept over me, and my stiff muscles loosened. Tears stung my eyes as I thought of that dickhead trying to take a part of me that didn’t belong to him. The entitlement of his money and privilege thinking I was some type of whore that came with his check. I burned with anger and resentment, but the shock finally took hold and I tumbled into a sleep filled with restless dreams.
In those dreams, I sought Adam’s comfort. I called out to him. And finally, a low, familiar murmur drifted in my ear and I sighed in relief. He’d come for me. He always knew when I needed him. I burrowed into his muscled warmth, felt his mouth soft on my skin, then went back to sleep.
In the morning, I woke up and Max was in my bed.
Chapter Fourteen
Listen to Is it Over Now?
by Taylor Swift
Igot back to my apartment with a pounding headache and a burning need to see Landon.
The night had been an absolute blast but I was starting to see how living on the road could be a challenge. JJ was trying to get our name blasted everywhere in New York ahead of our album, and before we hit LA, so we were covered on both coasts. I loved the smaller, fan dedicated venues we were playing, and the place in Brooklyn had been one of my faves. The crowd was a mix of hard-core fans who’d been following Unison before I came, and newer ones who’d heard the rising buzz and wanted to claim fandom in case we exploded. The combo had been electric—we’d done some extra sets because we were so high on adrenalin, then ended up partying late and crashing at JJ’s friends’ place.
I’d hit one of the spare bedrooms alone, ignoring the teasing taunts of the singles who wanted me to partake in some hard play. Women swarmed me, but I kept them at a distance.
All I wanted was Landon.
As I flopped on the creaky mattress, safe behind a locked door, I felt as if Landon and I were nearing a crossroads. Each moment we spent together strengthened the bond between us—both sexual and emotional. I craved her on such a primitive level, I wanted to ingest her; imprint my whole self into her skin and bones so she was just as haunted. So we were nothing without the other.
Groaning, I rubbed my face and tried to sleep. This was fucked up. I’d vowed early on to never let a woman control me. Sex, yes. Love and obsession? Hell, no. It was too dangerous and I refused to be vulnerable like I was with my father. He’d taught me early on not to trust.
But was Landon a sign that things could be different for me? That the world wouldn’t fuck me at every turn? That Fate was not a cold-blooded monster, but a gentler Goddess who wanted to reward me for my past, by sending me the love of my life?
I was falling apart, yet the one woman who was doing the ripping was also the one who made me stronger. I craved to be more…not only for myself. For her.
Glancing at the clock, I fisted my hands and refused to text her. She was probably asleep or out with the girls. She knew I was in Brooklyn tonight and we’d made plans to see each other tomorrow. There was no reason to reach out because I was suddenly needy.
I’d sleep it off and see her in the morning. Fuck her brains out so each time she took a step, she’d remember me inside her. Make her feel so good she’d gaze at me with those half drunk, starry blue eyes that owned my soul.
Finally, I drifted off, remembering the sweet sting of my hand as I slapped her ass and she moaned for more.
The ride back from Brooklyn was too damn long and I needed to do a bunch of shit. My trip was getting closer and I was running out of time to prep, plus I wanted to work on one more song Noah had suggested. He said it’d be perfect for Elle’s debut and Unison was on board, so I didn’t want to disappoint either of them.
I popped two Advil, gulped down a glass of water, and headed to the shower.
Then got a text from Max in the group.