Page 32 of Crave
“I am. Taking off today and tomorrow so I can catch my breath. How’d you find out so fast?”
“Had to see Rock early this morning for a few things and he told me. Are you going to do the show? He mentioned you may be taking a leave of absence to shoot?”
“Yep, going to sign contracts today.”
“Good. How’s Adam taking it?”
I stilled. “Why would you ask me about Adam?”
Her sigh was weary. “Really? I know you’re together, Landon. God, it was so obvious the last time we were at the club—you were all over each other with your eyes.”
I gasped. “Oh, my God, does anyone else know?”
“Nah, I’m the smartest in the group. Are you gonna tell everyone? Take you and Adam public?”
A strange relief flooded me as I realized I didn’t have to hide it from her anymore. “I’m sorry I lied to you, Gabby but things were fucked up. I did tell Elle.”
“Damn, you always tell her everything first,” Gabby sulked.
I laughed. “Sorry—habit. No one else, though. Adam leaves next week so we were thinking of meeting up and telling the group before he goes to LA. That way, there will be time and space for them to get used to it.”
“Especially Max.”
I hesitated. “Max seems pretty solid lately,” I said carefully. “No more jealousy. Open to me dating. I hinted that I was with someone but wouldn’t give him a name.”
I didn’t like Gabby’s snort. “Girl, are you crazy? Max is madly in love with you and he’s going to lose his shit. Don’t go into this thinking it’ll be all wine and roses. Expect the worst. I know Max better than you think. He’ll go low and dirty.”
Irritation prickled. “I dated him for a long time, Gabby, I think I know him a bit better than you.”
“Whatevs. Just warning you. Things with him aren’t what you think.”
“Okay, well, thanks for the heads up.”
We chatted a bit and then I called Elle. Later on, I pushed Gabby’s warning to the side. I know Max would flip out, but I also believed he’d eventually calm down. It was all in the way we told him. We’d do it carefully.
If I knew what would happen next, would I have changed my plan?
I’d never find out because it was already too late.
Chapter Seventeen
Listen to Hanging
by a Moment by Lifehouse
Iwaited for Landon and thought over my conversation with Max.
His crazy-ass vow to do some type of vigilante stalking to Landon’s current boyfriend threw me off. I was still processing the fact Landon hadn’t told me about being attacked at Red, and that Max had taken care of her while I was in Brooklyn.
The rage burned hot in my blood but I needed to tamp it down to get through the rest of the meeting at the diner, and keep calm until I spoke directly with Landon. The way Max bragged about being in bed with her almost had me launching from the booth to beat the crap out of him. I had to remind myself no one knew about us yet, and I had no rights. Until I went public, my relationship with Landon was still a dirty secret. Instead, I had to sit there like a mute while Coop and Noah counseled Max with a bunch of platitudes.
“I’m sure it’s nothing but sex—Landon still has feelings for you, dude.”
“Maybe if you keep chill, she’ll come back. After all, she didn’t call that guy to help her. She turned to you.”
“You saved her from a trauma. I bet Landon could forgive you for the cheating now that she sees you as a hero.”