Page 57 of Crave
Unfortunately, the villain role got more play.
“We were already leaning into your influencer persona, but now you’re going to be torn between two men. Clayton and Brody.”
I stared at her in shock. “Umm, wait a minute—I told you I have a boyfriend. That’s him, right there in the video. Adam. And he’s in a band that’s blowing up also called Unison. That’s a better angle. Me out here in hell while he’s in LA.”
Lydia shook her head. “Not as good. We need to lean in hard to catch the wave, and I promise it’ll be worth it, Landon. Just trust me and the writers.”
“But, I’m not comfortable being with anyone else.”
Lydia’s gaze narrowed. “I’m not asking you to sleep with them,” she snapped. “Flirting and harmless banter. Think of yourself on one of those shows likeGreys Anatomy. Play the role we need and it will work out.”
Before I could protest again, she’d walked off with her assistant, leaving me frustrated and worried.Grey’s Fucking Anatomy?That was a real show—a Shonda Rhimes masterpiece! I didn’t like the way I was being manipulated lastminute. Maybe I’d call my agent and get an opinion. For now, it looked like I needed to play nice until we began filming.
I went back to the girls and we were shown our accommodations. The groans and whining filled my ears but I added to the sounds myself. The rooms were a bunch of twin beds with obviously old mattresses, one single window which allowed a few weak rays of light to stream in, and a few chests of drawers. The bathroom was terrible—pink tile, a small tub, and one sink. All of us glanced at each other in horror.
“Wait—how are we supposed to do our makeup and hair?” I asked.
Ronnie snickered. “Guess you gotta get up early if you want to look good on camera.”
One of the assistants cut in. “We’ll have hair and makeup available. This is for your regular and nightly use.”
Abby wrinkled her pert nose and her oversize glasses slipped down. “I’m a vegan. I need to be careful of what I eat—are we cooking ourselves?”
The makeup influencer, Corinne, rolled her eyes. “Of course, we’re cooking. The script says we do it all on our own and they provide groceries.”
Brenna seemed the nicest of the group and looked at us worriedly. She’d been one of the most popular people on the Biggest Loser but had gained most of the weight back. Now, she said she needed the hard work and limits on junk food to help her reconnect with who she was years ago. I felt sorry for her and wanted to be friends, but she’d been surrounded by Ronnie, Corinne, and a few others who froze me out. “I don’t want anything with sugar or carbs,” Brenna said. “I was clear in the contract.”
The assistant began addressing our concerns but I could tell she didn’t really care. This was a low budget, lottery type show that no one believed in, but it had been squeaked through in caseit got big by accident. My viral video was the most exciting thing to happen. Gabby had been right about bringing more attention to my role, but I hated getting stuck with more boy drama.
I missed Adam like crazy and it was only day one.
We spent the rest of the time getting settled in, and took a tour of the farm. Owen showed us each of the tasks that needed to be done daily, and the bigger projects we would take on, like literally building an additional chicken coop and repairing fences.
Thank God, dinner that night was pizza and a welcome party. We’d start cooking end of the week when filming officially began. I did my best to be friendly and open, and told myself to be patient. Corinne hit me up for the dirt on my viral video, pretending to be shocked and concerned for my drama, but I already knew she’d be gossiping and planting crap in everyone’s ear.
I knew the game well. I lived it with the clicks of girls who wanted to take me down in high school and college. I could handle myself. I gave Corinne just enough, made a few allies from the cast and played super nice with the producers, who’d be my real bosses. Unfortunately, when I went out for some air, Brody followed.
“I heard the mud can be used for face masks,” he said, and I laughed, hoping we’d be cool.
“Yeah, why’d we do this again?” I joked.
“To get famous. Like the rest of the world,” Brody said, lighting up a cigarette. The image of Adam slammed into my brain, and my entire body ached for him. “I guess me and Clayton will be hanging with you.”
I let out a sigh. “Lydia wants you two to fight over me. It’s so stupid because it will be obvious it’s a set up. I’m literally in love with my boyfriend and the world now knows it.”
Brody shrugged. “People fall out of love all the time. Maybe you’ll surprise yourself. I’m a pretty charming guy.”
I laughed again but felt uneasy. I did not need his gargantuan ego making problems for me. I could play a role fine, but I refused to do anything to hurt Adam or let anyone think I’d be unfaithful. I knew Adam trusted me. I had to believe we’d both remain true. “Has nothing to do with you. We’re talking about getting married,” I lied. “It’s serious.”
He regarded me intensely as he smoked. “Good for you. We’ll see what happens.”
I didn’t trust him at all, but I’d handle it. Still, the stress of the day pressed down on me and I excused myself to go to bed. I texted Adam, but he was in rehearsal so I told him we’d talk tomorrow.
I lay in my twin bed, surrounded by girls who were my rivals for no good reason, and wondered once again if I’d made a terrible mistake being here.
Chapter Thirty-Two