Page 66 of Crave
Just like I needed to be recognized for my songs, not my voice.
We were the same, yet different. But there was no way I could convince her. She had to walk the path on her own and make her choices. I fucking hated feeling so damn helpless when I recognizedDumpedwould never make Landon happy.
Would our distance make us stronger or weaker? What if shit like this kept happening while we were apart? Me photographed with random strangers like that girl yesterday. Her videotaped with her castmates in sexual situations. Gossip and trash entertainment sites whipping up drama for click bait while we became victims.
Could we possibly survive? Was LA worth it?
The questions forced me out of bed. I got up and tugged on shorts, a t-shirt, and baseball cap, then headed out for decent coffee. I tried calling Landon but it went straight to voice mail. I hung up without leaving a message.
The café a few blocks down was known for their coffee and bagels, so I ordered both while I waited.
“Hey, Adam, right?”
I turned at the masculine voice. The guy staring at me was familiar. Slicked back hair, jacked muscles, and dark eyes that held a hint of coldness. My brain tried to click on where we’d met but came up blank. “Yeah? Sorry, man, do I know you?”
He grinned, flashing straight white teeth. Dressed in chinos, a silky shirt, and loafers with no socks, he gave off entitled vibes. “Kind of. We met once—Max is a friend of mine. We did some hard partying that night at Rage club. I’m Gio.”
The image of us pounding shots together was blurry, but clicked. “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was wasted that night. How are you?”
“Good. Not as good as you, though.” A smirk rested on his lips. “You still fighting Max over that smoke show?”
Immediately, my politeness cooled. “No fighting needed.”
His laugh grated on my nerves. “Sure, guess you won, then. Well, congrats on that and your Unison gig. Heard you’re going on tour.”
“Yeah, thanks.” I immediately dismissed him as my order was called. I grabbed my stuff and nodded. “See you around.”
“Sure. Tell Max I’m available if he has any other fun gigs he wants to pay me for. Hell, tell him next time I’ll do it for free.”
Gio turned in dismissal but I’d already frozen up. His words hit me like a bash of bricks, making my head spin and my gut lurch. Slowly, I turned.
“What did you say?”
He shot me another shit eating grin. “Nothing, man. See ya.”
Gio stepped up to order but I cut in front and blocked him. “What did you say?” I repeated between gritted teeth. He must’ve sensed the violence emanating, my gaze narrowed on his face as I trembled, ready to punch it out of him.
“Dude, calm down. It was nothing.”
“What’s nothing?”
He studied me, probably realizing I was ready to snap. “No biggie. Just a little thing at Red. Wanted a bit of an edge to get his girlfriend back so I gave her a tiny scare. He wanted to step in and save the day. You know how Max hates to lose.”
The cashier called out “Next!” in an irritated voice.
Gio went to the register to order.
And everything went black as I realized the truth that I’d already known.
Max had paid him to attack Landon.
Half of me wanted to beat the shit out of Gio right now and get it done. But that would only complicate things. I wasn’t aboutto let this asshole win by suing me and screwing up my gig with Unison or going viral again.
I’d deal with him later in my own time, in my own way.
But right now?
I needed to tell Landon.