Page 64 of An Alien for Her Heart
“But it will mean getting rid of all the water stored in this well. I can direct it to your field, but with no crops there, it will simply be wasted to the earth. And you…you will be without water for several sols.”
Her body shivers again. “I can do without water, Varek. Do it.”
I study her. She won’t be without water. I could never allow that. I will personally use my truck to bring her enough, so she has water to drink and wash herself. But the animals and the rest of the farm will suffer. Not to mention, the protective algae in the water hole will all die. Getting them regrown will take several moons. Her farm, this farm she’s been working so hard on, will be useless for some time.
“There is more. Your farm…this water hole is important. Your farm will be crippled without it.”
Catherine shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter, Varek. We’ll deal with it when the time comes. Just as we will with everything else.” The double meaning in her words makes something warm swell inside of me. “If you can save us, do it.”
It pains me to put her at such a disadvantage, but there is no other choice. I hold her for a few more moments before slowly releasing her. She treads the water as I take a deep breath.
“I must go to the bottom. I won’t be long.”
She nods, her throat moving as I dip beneath the surface.
There, I turn to look up at her.
The shimmering moonlight filters through the water, casting an ethereal glow on Catherine’s face. Even from this depth, I can see the trust in her eyes, the unwavering faith she has in me. Itsteels my resolve, driving me to do whatever it takes to get her out of here safely.
I dive to the bottom of the well, navigating the murky depths with ease. It doesn’t take long to find what I’m looking for—a small, circular grate set into the floor. This is the water hole’s drainage system, designed to prevent overflow during heavy rains.
With a twist, I wrench the grate free, sending a cloud of sediment billowing up around me. Immediately, I feel the water begin to rush out, the current tugging at my limbs as it’s sucked down into the underground channels.
I kick back up to the surface, bursting through with a gasp. Catherine is already swimming towards me, her face etched with concern.
“Are you alright?” she asks, running her hands over my shoulders as if checking for injury.
I nod, pulling her close. “I’m fine. The water is draining out now. We just need to hold on until the level drops enough for us to stand.”
She shivers in my arms, her teeth beginning to chatter again. The cold is getting to her, seeping into her bones. I curse myself for not being able to get us out of this sooner.
“Here.” I guide her arms around my neck, letting her cling to me. “I’ll keep you warm.”
Catherine presses her face into my shoulder, her breath hot against my skin. “Thank you,” she murmurs, her words slightly slurred. “For everything.”
I tighten my grip on her, silently vowing to never let her go. “Anything for you, my sura. Anything at all.”
As the water drains, soon my feet hit the ground, the surface of the water hole now far above us.
“What now?” Catherine whispers. Her concern echoes my own.
“We wait.” I stare at the stars above, knowing that I won’t leave this place without the female in my arms. I will stay here until someone finds us.
“Do you think someone will come by?” Catherine settles against me as the last of the water drains and I slide to the floor with her in my arms.
“Zynar. If he pings me and I don’t respond, he might come looking for me.”
Catherine nods, her damp mane brushing against my jaw. “And if he doesn’t?”
I release a slow breath. “Then I only have one other option. But that will mean destroying your water hole completely.”
“If that’s the only choice…”
“No.” I ease away somewhat, brushing damp tendrils from her face as I force her to look at me. “You need it and this farm…it’s important to you.”
Catherine studies my eyes, her focus strong and sure.
“Wait with me here. When dawn lights, if no one comes, I will do what I must.”