Page 10 of An Alien for the Future
The female moves faster than I would have thought possible, her arm suddenly around my midsection. She’ssupportingme, her soft body braced underneath mine. My core-beat stutters as the contact sends a jolt through my system that has nothing to do with pain.
“Mmhm, you’rerealcapable,” she mutters. But the way she says it tells me she thinks I’m nothing of the sort. Usually, this would wound my ego. But right now, she could call me every deprecating thing she can think of if she just remains pressed up underneath me like this. “Hold on.” She drops a rock I didn’t realize she’d been gripping and grabs my claw. Forcing me to brace on her shoulder for support, she removes the bright headpiece from where it’s wrapped around her head. Thick, dark coils are revealed, forming a mane that is quite unlike my own.
I’m entranced by it. My focus pulled to her beauty and then in a separate direction—to the sensation of her softness beneath my claw.
It takes all my willpower not to flex that claw. Not to probe the soft flesh I can feel just underneath my palm. Gods, this is hard.
“What are you—” I begin, but she cuts me off with a sharp look.
“I’m trying to help you.”
Before I can process her words, she’s crouching low beside my injured leg. With deft movements, she begins to wrap her head covering tightly around my leg. Her actions are swift and purposeful, betraying a level of practical knowledge that surprises me. Despite her earlier amusement at my expense,there’s no hint of mockery in her movements now—only a focused determination.
I hiss involuntarily, more out of shock than anything else.
“Sorry,” she apologizes, but she doesn’t slow her actions. “But we need to stem this bleeding.”
I go silent. I can only watch in fascination as she works, her small clawless digits moving with surprising strength and skill. The bright fabric is wrapped and secured tight and the gush of pulsing lifeblood slows in my boot.
“There,” she says after a few moments, straightening. “That should hold for now.”
I flex my leg. “Your skills are…impressive.”
She shrugs, but I catch a hint of pride in her eyes. “Just basic first aid, darling. Nothing fancy.”
Darling? My translator chip doesn’t usually cut out so frequently. It certainly must be now because it’s telling me the female just called me a term of endearment. That can’t be the case. The archives said this is a prey species that is soft and easily frightened. The female before me is neither of those. This is…perplexing.
“You know, most females would feel unsafe at the sight of a strange Kari.”
She raises an eyebrow at me as she adjusts herself beneath my arm once more. Another snort as her gaze sweeps over me, slow and deliberate. “I’m not scared of you.”
I’m not sure whether to be offended or amused by that statement. Before I can decide, she’s speaking again.
“Come on, tough guy. My place isn’t far from here. We can at least get that foot cleaned up before you bleed out trying to prove how ‘capable’ you are.”
I want to protest, to insist that I can manage on my own. I don’t want her to believe I’m some weakling. But pretending means I can stay in her presence a little longer, and the warmthof her body against mine, the strength in her arm as she supports me…it’s oddly comforting. If I’m being honest, the prospect of spending more time with this intriguing human is far from unpleasant.
“Frakk, Tovan. It sounds serious. I should come.” I stiffen. I’d once again forgotten Arnak is still live on comm, listening toeverything. His voice, sounding in my earpiece, is beginning to be a nuisance. I only manage a growl. Hopefully, it’s enough for him to get my meaning.Stay the frakk away.
“Very well, female,” I say this as if reluctant. Can’t let her know that if I had a choice, I would follow her across the plains, injury or not.
The first step makes us sway and her skin, softer than I could have imagined, sends tingles through my scales. No longer dulled, my scales are a riot of purple, pink, and blue that are doing a horrible job of hiding my excitement.
As we begin our slow, awkward journey from behind the zimi bush, the female uses one hand to ward away the branches till we reach the tall orange grass-feed once more. There, we pick our way across the plain, silence enveloping us. I find myself filling it with soft grunts as if to convince her I’m still hurt because I can tell she’s deep in thought. Probably sorry she came out to forage now. Instead of the berries she sought, she’s taking back a burden.
Putting most of my weight on my good leg, I test out a few steps with the other, ever mindful of the soft body pressed against mine. It becomes evident a few clicks into the journey that I don’t need her assistance at all. Yes, there’s no doubt there’s a hole in my foot, but I can manage.
Will I tell her to let me go? I almost scoff. Shameless male that I am, I continue to pretend that I need her bracing against me as we make our way.
“What the frakk are you doing?” The voice is a whisper in my ear and I turn to look over my shoulder as we go. I can see Arnak now, just a few leagues off but completely visible. He’s watching us.
I glare at him, using my free claw hidden behind the female to gesture that he should keep the frakk away.
He’s a stubborn qeffer. I’m not surprised that he simply stands there. I watch as he rests his scanner, leans on it as he watches us go and I remember now that I left mine lying in the bush. Perhaps it’s for the best. It would only make her ask questions about my purpose in that pasture, the answer to which I might not be able to provide.
“Almost there, now,” the female says at my side. She glances up at me, those deep brown eyes catching the light. “It’s just over that rise.”
I stare at her, probably for too long because her brows furrow slightly.