Page 66 of An Alien for the Future
We take a back road, walking around the buildings as Varek leads us to the conference center. I can tell both he and his brother have already heard whatever news that’s flooded the streets—the same news that obviously involves me—but it’s clear they’re not wanting to speak on it.
And that can only mean one thing.
I was wrong to hope. To hope that it would be different this time. That I, Donna Johnson, could actually find true love.
As we approach what I assume is the conference center, I spot Xarion waiting at the entrance. His ears are flat against his head, a sure sign of stress.
“Donna,” he says as soon as I’m within earshot.
“Just tell me.”
His ears flatten even more. “The results of your lifeblood sample. It’s…inconclusive.”
The world slows down a little. Inconclusive? I press my fists into my hips, arms akimbo. “How can a mating test be inconclusive?”
“Perhaps because this is all still new. There are markers in the other mated humans’ lifeblood. We had hoped…” He studies me and I know that this male, my friend, is feeling regretful. “You should come inside before the Kari arrive.”
At first, my heart leaps because I think he’s talking about Tovan, but then Zynar speaks.
“We will try to get them to calm down until she is ready to see them.”
I frown. “What’s going on, Xarion?”
He sighs, running a hand over his folded ears. “We’ve seen nothing like it before. Your hormones are…compatible with Kari physiology, but there’s no clear match. It’s as if…”
“As if what?” I press.
“As if you could potentially bond with any of them.”
The words make the air go still.
“Oh hell, no.” I’m already gathering my skirts and turning around, ready to leave. I’m done. Done with this hullabaloo.
“Donna,” Xarion’s tone stops me. “New Horizons has decided to give them all a chance. To woo you, as it were, in the hopes one of their core-rhythms sings.”
I stare at him, incredulous. “You’re kidding, right?” When he doesn’t answer, I feel my temper rise. “You can tell New Horizons to kiss my big black ah—”
“This is great!” Eleanor practically dances, and I glare at her. It does nothing to stop the grin on her face. “Let them come, Donna, or this will never rest. You can simply turn them away one by one. Otherwise, they won’t give up. Kari are persistent.”
My lips curl. I don’t want all the Kari. I want Tovan.
My gaze shifts from each member of this new family of mine, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement. “What, amI supposed to sit on some fancy throne, have them parade in front of me one by one, and just say ‘next, next, next’ like some reincarnated version of Queen Elizabeth I?”
Eleanor’s eyes light up. “Oh! That’s brilliant! We could totally set that up!”
“Eleanor!” I exclaim, but I can’t help the huff of laughter that escapes me. The absurdity of the situation is starting to get to me. “I was joking. I’m not actually going to do that. Hell, I ain’t no choir director tryin’ to pick out the best voices for Sunday service.”
Catherine, ever the voice of calm, steps in. “Donna, I know this isn’t ideal. But Eleanor has a point. The Kari won’t let this go unless they feel they’ve had a fair chance. They really are persistent.”
I blow out a full breath, making my lips balloon as I breathe out. “But I already know who I want.” Fuck. Hell. Shit. I’m really admitting this now? Out here? In front of these people who will be in my life for the foreseeable future? “I want Tovan. It’s always been Tovan.”
There’s a grunt. A deep pleased grunt of a laugh and I look up to see Zynar and Varek both smiling enough that their fangs are visible.
“Then prove it,” Eleanor whispers almost like a dare.
“The heart knows, Donna,” Catherine adds.
I swallow hard.