Page 81 of An Alien for the Future
Of course, they did. The child doesn’t exactly look like either of them, but apart from the appearance, one would never know.They love that girl just as they love their biological son. That just tells me they’re good people.
Nia nods, a fond smile playing on her lips. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you more about it next time we visit, if you’d like.”
“I’d love that.”
As their vehicles drive away, Tovan pulls me into his arms. “That was…a lot, my kahl. I am sorry.”
I lean back into him, smiling. “I liked it. Back on Earth, I grew up with a big family. The house was always full. Family. Friends. Neighbors. Cousins playing. Gramps sitting on the porch talking about music. Ma in the kitchen cooking. My brother sneaking bites of food from the pot…” I trail off, letting the memories wash over me.
We stand in comfortable silence for a moment, watching the sun go down. Finally, Tovan speaks, his voice soft and filled with emotion.
“Lira’an,” he pauses.
“Seeing all of them today, with their families…it made me think.”
I tighten his arms around me. “About what?”
“About us. About our future.” He pauses again. “I know we’ve talked about younglings before, and I understand…I understand your concern. But I want you to know that there are other options. We could adopt, too.”
My breath catches in my throat. The idea of adoption hadn’t really occurred to me until I saw Nia. Seeing her daughter, a spark of possibility ignited within me. Maybe that dream isn’t dead and maybe…
I swallow hard, turning in Tovan’s arms to face him.
“Is it thatyouwant a child?” I whisper.
He shakes his head. “I am content to be selfish and have your complete attention for the rest of my sols. But I saw the wayyou held those younglings. I’ve never seen that sort of warmth in your eyes before. It is a different warmth from the one you offer me.”
I blink, forcing away whatever emotion is threatening to rise. He can see through me so easily.
“I want to build a life with you,” he continues. “Whatever that looks like. If that means adopting a youngling, then I will do it .”
Tears prick at my eyes as I lean into his touch. “I love you too,” I murmur. Because all those words, that’s what he’s saying. That he loves me. Truly loves me. “And I…I think I’d like that. To explore the possibility, at least.”
Tovan’s face breaks into a wide grin.
Closing my eyes, I lean into my mate, mykahl, eager to see what tomorrow will bring.
The morning dawns with a peculiar stillness, the kind that settles over momentous days. I stand at our bedroom window, watching the first hints of orange streak across Hudo’s sky, my heart thrumming with anticipation. Today is the day. After three months of preparation, paperwork, and proving our worthiness to the adoption council, we’re finally heading to the Youngling Center.
“Lira’an?” Tovan’s voice, still rough with sleep, draws my attention from the window. He’s propped up on one elbow, golden eyes searching my face. “You’re up early.”
I try for a smile, but my nerves make it wobble. “Couldn’t sleep anymore.” Moving away from the window, I perch on the edge of the bed. “What if none of them like us, Tovan?”
His large claw finds mine, engulfing it completely. The familiar warmth of his touch grounds me, as it always does.
“That is not possible,” he says, gaze moving through mine. “You have enough warmth in your life-organ to fill this entire farm.”
“But what if—” I start, but he sits up fully, pulling me against his chest.
“No more what-ifs, my kahl. Today, we go where the fates are leading us.”