Page 18 of Journey to You
She shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “India’s in my blood. Maybe I recognise it on some subconscious level?”
He shook his head. “I think there’s more to it.”
“Like you opening your mind. Like you contemplating maybe there could be a spark between us.”
“I’m not contemplating anything of the sort.”
Her quick rebuttal sounded like the big fat lie it was.
His warm, sexy smile made her feel a woman and then some. “Come on, Tam. Admit it. You’re as attracted to me as I am to you.”
She pushed her chair away from the table and stood. “I’m going for a walk.”
He let her go but she knew it wouldn’t be for long. While he’d been surprisingly relaxed and laidback this trip, she’d seen his underlying streak of steel that had taken him to the top of the restaurant game around the world. He’d made every rich list the year before, had women clambering after him. So what the heck was he doing, interested in a boring, sad-case widow like her?
She walked towards the lake, head down, sandals flapping against the ancient stone path, eager to be anywhere otherthan sitting opposite the man shewasattracted to, in a palace restaurant in one of the most romantic settings on earth.
“Hey, wait up.”
His shout had her wanting to pick up the pace and flee. Futile, really, because she’d be stuck on the train with him for another few nights regardless if she outran him now.
Slowing her steps, she reached the edge of the lake and stared into the endless depths, searching for some clue to her problem; the problem of opening her heart to trust again, only to find the guy she liked had the power to break it.
She knew when Ethan reached her, could sense his body heat behind her and she turned slowly, no closer to answering him now than she had been a few moments earlier.
He reached for her but lowered his hands when she frowned.
“I’m not pushing you, Tam. I’m not asking for anything. I just thought you might feel whatever’s happening between us too.”
“Nothing’s happening.”
A sudden breeze snatched her defiant whisper, making a mockery of her feeble protestation.
“If that’s what you want to believe…” he shrugged and turned away, staring over the lake to the island in the middle. It housed an entertainment complex where they’d have afternoon tea later, giving her time to concoct more excuses, more repudiation.
Like time would help.
She could protest all she liked but it wouldn’t change the fact that everything had shifted between them and she didn’t have a clue what to do about it.
How could she make him understand what a big deal this was for her? How she couldn’t afford to change the status quo between them beyond a bit of light-hearted flirting?
It came to her as she glanced at his profile: rugged, handsome, strong. She needed his strength, needed someonein her corner. She’d never felt so alone this last year—the last few years if she were completely honest—yet the only times she felt remotely safe lately were during her weekly visits to the restaurant.
Time spent with Ethan.
She laid a hand on his arm, dropped it when he turned towards her.
“You want to know what I believe? I believe you’re a good guy. You make me laugh when you tell those horrible corny jokes, you make me smile with your outrageous flirting. But most of all, you’ve made me believe I can have a fresh start.”
Some nebulous emotion bordering on guilt shifted in his eyes before he blinked. “You think I’m a good guy? Far from it.” He glanced away and rubbed the back of his neck, the first time this trip she’d seen him anything other than relaxed. “I think you’re amazing, Tam, and I’m attracted to you, but don’t go thinking I’m some prince, because I’m not.”
“I gave up expecting a prince to rescue me a long time ago,” she said, annoyed she’d let slip another indication Richard had been anything other than the guy Ethan thought him to be.
He searched her face—for answers, for the truth?
“You want me to drop this?” His brow furrowed. “Pretend it doesn’t exist?”