Page 40 of So Not My Type
“If I seize, I have emergency nasal spray, it helps stop the seizures within a minute or two.”
“Will you show me how to use it?”
Sophie asked so quickly, with no hesitation, and it warmed Ella. This whole conversation, Sophie leaned on her elbows towards Ella, like she was memorizing words, or in class with a world-renowned professor. Nothing appeared to be grossing or freaking her out or giving her some disgusting savior complex.
It wasn’t Ella’s intention to bring up the spray to teach Sophie how to use it, but it made sense. Her parents had been harping on having Sophie or Malcolm learn to use it since she started her job, and she knew her dad always had one in his pocket. Him popping by several times a day to “check on theteam” was probably not the norm, and she had a sneaking suspicion it was in case she needed the medication. She dug out the spray from her purse and gripped it between her pointer and middle finger. “Just like saline spray for a cold. Hold here. Plunge here.”
Sophie reached out her hand, and Ella placed it in her palm. Her eyes scanned the back as she read the fine print instructions, and she juggled it between her fingers.
Heavy mist tapped against the window, a steady, rhythmic stream as the silence grew in length but also in comfort. Besides her aunt Colleen, most everyone in Ella’s life had treated her as fragile, a case, someone who needed help. Sophie treated her as an equal.
Ella moved closer, consumed with the need to brush Sophie’s cheek with her fingers. To see if her skin was really as soft as it looked. The mist and low hum of water hitting the pane was hypnotic. Ella felt like she was floating, only anchored by the thought that if she could just touch Sophie once, she’d be good. She could satisfy her curiosity and stop thinking of her so much.
The German-made, historic grandfather clock in the entryway chimed and Sophie swung her head toward the hallway. She checked her watch and Ella knew this moment, this time together, was ending. She wanted to elongate it but how to do that without seeming needy? ButGod, she didn’t want Sophie to leave. Maybe she could ask her to watch a movie, and they could curl up under a blanket with buttered popcorn. Something, anything, to not break this feeling.
“Well, I think work is done.” Sophie moved back to the table and unplugged her laptop. “We haven’t had a single email since noon. I guess the team just called it a day.”
The sinking in Ella’s gut was fierce, like a lust roller coaster that just plummeted. “You’re probably right.”
Stop being so sad. This is what happens when you don’t spend time with people.
“Hey…” Sophie’s tongue flicked across her lip. “I have a crazy idea.”
The tone in Sophie’s voice made Ella’s heart perk up. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
Sophie glanced behind her, almost to confirm they were alone, then inched toward Ella. “Got an extra suit?”
If someone over the weekend asked Sophie what she’d be doing on Monday afternoon, she would’ve said she’d be elbow-deep in a web production-review meeting, drafting an email, or checking on an asset status. She would’ve never imagined she’d be naked in Ella’s room, her body aching, buzzing, andbeyondexcited for what they were about to do.
Hot tubbing.
Inside Ella’s all-white bathroom the size of Sophie’s living room, she slipped Ella’s swimsuit over her hips. Was it kind of weird to wear her co-worker’s swimsuit, that was once up against Ella’s most intimate parts? Sure, a little. But Sophie had been wearing thrift-store clothes almost her whole life, so it wasn’t as strange as it might be to others.
Ugh. The mirror confirmed she looked ridiculous. Ella had beautiful, incredible curves. A round butt. And according to that hookup site photo Sophie had peeked at too many times, Ella had boobs, too. Sophie by contrast was boxy, built like a prepubescent boy. No real hips, no real butt, and she could definitely go for an extra scoop of boob.
A knock sounded outside the door. “Did you find the towels?”
Sophie opened the linen closet near the half-standing wall and waterfall showerhead. Everything in the closet was at a Home-Edit level of organization. Various towels, cosmetics, and lotions were aligned by height, and there were so many products she thought she was at Sephora. Even her soaps looked to be in alphabetic order. “Yep. I’ll grab you one.”
She picked up two of the thickest, plushest towels and gripped the door handle when she paused.I’m standing half-naked in Ella’s room.Not only that, but seeing Ella’s bed was almost more intimate than wearing her suit. She’d have to fully process this bizarre moment later. Right now, there was a hot tub waiting.
Holy hell.Sophie’s gaze lingered, way more than it should have, before she forced herself to look away. She no longer had to ogle the dating site photo like a horny teen if she could retain this image of Ella, spilling out of the tankini in the most scrumptious way.
Nope. Stop.Unprofessional, not okay, must stop this train of thought immediately.She tossed the towel to Ella and wrapped hers around her waist as she crossed the room. Her gaze flickered to a canvas propped on an easel, with deep hues of magenta, violet, and orange, creating a warm sunrise over an ocean. “Wow… did you do this?”
She waved Sophie to the door. “Um, yes. It’s not finished at all. I just like to dabble. Not sure if I’ll keep going or?—”
“It’s beautiful.”
Ella’s pale cheeks flushed, and Sophie wanted to burn that image, this moment, into her memory.
Outside, the mist hit Sophie and goose bumps popped up on her arms. The covered area to the east-side courtyard provided little reprieve from the chill, and she wanted to dive headfirst into the tub. On the marble table next to the hot tub, she tossed her phone next to Ella’s glasses, water bottle, and nasal spray,and dropped her towel. A bleachy chlorine scent reached her nose, and she held back the urge to wrap her knees in her arms and cannonball off the table.
“Bubbles?” Ella’s fingers hovered over the levers.