Page 59 of So Not My Type
Sophie wrapped her lips around Ella’s breasts, and oh… Christ… this, her, having her, feeling Ella grip her neck to push into her more… it was too much and not enough and she needed more.
Not enough air existed, but Sophie didn’t care. Exploring, learning everything about Ella, what she liked, what she craved, what she needed, was the only thing Sophie needed. Ella pulled Sophie to her mouth, her kisses strong, full, and Sophie breathed her air, gasped against her mouth. Her skin tingled pink. Her chest stretched and filled and… oh God. This. All she needed was this, Ella, them.
Thighs and knees and fingers and tongues danced across flesh. Ella ground into Sophie, lowering herself, and put Sophie’s thigh between her legs. Feeling Ella’s want on the top of her leg fevered Sophie. She wanted every part of Ella in her mouth, on her fingers, in her hand.
Ella kissed Sophie’s belly, trailing her tongue down her side, as Sophie quivered and goose bumps skittered across her body. Hot breaths filled her skin, heated her, and she needed Ella. All of Ella.
Ella hovered at Sophie’s center, blushing her fevered skin.
“Can I…” Ella asked through pants.
“Yes, yes, everything, so good, yes…” Incoherent words bumbled from Sophie.
And then Ella’s mouth was on Sophie’s center, and Sophie lost the ability to speak. Moans and sweat filled the room, filled her skin. She wasn’t sure who was louder, Ella or her. Hooking Sophie’s leg above her shoulder, Ella was in full, complete control, experienced and driven. When she dipped in one, then two, fingers to join her mouth, her breath, her tongue, Sophie turned to liquid and she gripped at the sheets. With every rhythmic glide, Sophie felt how beautiful she was, how worthy, how wanted. Ella tasted her with promise, with decision, showing Sophie she wanted this as much as her. “You’re so beautiful… so incredible…” She hummed against Sophie’s core, and Sophie felt whole, complete, powerless, and powerful. Connecting with Ella, feeling this… She was inside out, upside down, no longer feeling human, yet the most human she’d ever been.
What Sophie wanted, true connection, welding together, interlocking dreams, and hopes and desires, unfolded with every motion. Ella’s tongue moved more, wider, softer, then firmer. Sophie’s body arched and pressed into Ella as she read Sophie’s body, a maestro conducting the perfect symphony, knowing when to increase, when to decrease, less pressure, oh God, more… pressure, definitely more pressure. The moment was building, the crescendo tapping against her insides, at first a faint vibration. It grew, heavier now, the trembles increasing, heightening, her moans loud and intense, and shewas so close. The quivering started harder now, lower in her belly, and then… yes, right there, one more… tension seized her body and she broke, the waves crashing, pulsating, releasing.
On top of Sophie’s shivering body, Ella pulled back and rested her head on Sophie’s belly, her chest rising and lowering against Sophie’s skin. Ella’s heart pounded against Sophie, her skin dewy and glistening and perfect. No words were spoken, none needed to be.
She was boneless. A pile of useless mush that had no words, no thoughts, no energy. When Ella rolled herself off from Sophie and lay next to her, Sophie lifted her arm to tug her back, but was useless. Moments passed, breaths returned to stable breathing, and Sophie leaned her head onto Ella’s chest.
As Ella’s fingertips lazed across Sophie’s buzzed head, thoughts slowly took shape. Sophie knew what this was, and she was ready. She was open. And it was time.
Recovery was much quicker than expected. The need to know Ella in the same way, to make Ella feel as good as she made Sophie, overtook Sophie. She trailed a fingertip down Ella’s stomach. “Please, please, let me do that to you.”
The sun peeked through the blinds, illuminating a naked Sophie lying on her stomach. Her back rose and lowered with soft breaths. Ella desperately wanted to wake her up and repeat every moment of last night, but also wanted to sit here forever and watch her sleep.
Her phone alarm rang in the other room and she eased out of the bed, holding her breath to not wake up Sophie. A towel lying on the floor from their late-night joint shower provided the perfect cover. She wrapped it around herself and tiptoed down the hall.
Thankfully, she always had extra medication in her purse, in case she ended up stranded somewhere. She’d never actually had to use the extra meds before, but last night was the perfect stranding. She tapped off the alarm, moved to the kitchen, and chugged back her pill with a full glass of water. God, she was thirsty. And tired. And so deliciously sore. Every aching muscle was a sweet reminder of the best day of her life.
Yep, yesterday was the best day she’d ever had. Emotionally, physically, soulfully, she had never experienced a connection like that before. Not even with Jasmine. The feelings she had, the feelings Sophie had, were confirmed, solidified, explored.That missing piece of her now felt filled to the brim. For the first time in her life, she was totally satisfied. Grateful. Hopeful, even.
Her phone showed about a dozen unread messages from her mom, two from her dad, ranging fromHope you’re having fun!toDon’t forget to rest. She’d told her parents she wasn’t coming home and she was safe, but it didn’t surprise her how much they’d blown up her phone.
She plucked an apple from a bowl on the counter and crunched into the fruit, typing a quick message to let them know she was alive. Allowing their child to have freedom had to have been hard for them, and she understood that now. Separation anxiety, the fear of keeping your loved one safe, the need to hear that they were healthy… it all clicked.
Quiet steps entered behind her and lips brushed her shoulder.
Sophie’s voice was a hoarse whisper, and Ella melted. She pressed her body into Sophie, feeling the warmth spreading as Sophie spread her fingers across Ella’s belly and pulled her close.
“Morning,” Ella whispered, savoring this moment. She wanted to savor these moments, to tattoo them into her brain, to capture the tingles in a lockbox and release them anytime she needed endorphins. She took one more bite of apple and turned.
Perfection. Standing in an off-the-shoulder Bon Jovi T-shirt grazing her upper thigh, Sophie was stunning.
Sophie brought Ella’s hand to her mouth and bit into the apple. “I’m starving.” She chewed and kissed Ella, then bit into the apple again. “Want to grab breakfast?”
Breakfast, dinner, a trip to Paris, a house with a backyard and a rescue Saint Bernard, Sophie could have asked anything, and Ella would have agreed. “Yes, please. But if we go anywhere, I need to go home first and change. I didn’t bring any backups.”
“You can wear something of mine.” Sophie downed a glass of water and wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand.
“You’re like five sizes smaller than me. I’d spill out of everything.”