Page 61 of So Not My Type
“Hey!” A chorus of welcomes and nice-to-meet-yous, and hugs came from the table, as Ella shook people’s hands.
“I’m Ben, Maya and Remi’s roommate, and clearly the best looking of the group.” This man, Ben, was beautiful. Warm, brown skin, dark eyes, and dimples that Ella could spot a mile away. The smile in his voice carried to his eyes, and Ella had never liked anyone so quickly.
“Pay no attention to Ben, ever. He likes to tell lies,” a gorgeous, full-bodied, strong woman with a head of dark curly hair and a mischievous grin said, while nudging Ben out of the way. “I’m Remi. Really good to meet you.” She shook Ella’s hand with a strong firm grip.
A woman who was at least a half foot taller than Ella, with long, glass-straight blond hair and a huge white smile, nudged Remi on the hip. “And I’m Maya. I’d like to think I’m Sophie’s other half, but I think that title is about to be stripped away.”
Ah.So this was the famous Maya, Sophie’s best friend and Remi’s girlfriend. Everything clicked. Ella took her in, the firmest of firm postures and a radiating warmth.
Ella moved to shake Maya’s hand, but she opened her arms and pulled her in for a hug instead.I can get used to this.
The next hour flew by, the awkwardness of meeting new people fading within the first ten minutes. In the past, Ella would have been sweating, hiding a smile because she’d swear food was in her teeth, and freak out that she couldn’t believe she forgot to put on her lipstick today.
But now, she was laughing in between bites of ube croissants and pork belly egg scramble as Ben—who was taking the prize for the most animated human she’d ever encountered—talked about a “hell on wheels” nurse who he almost came to blows with after the man blocked him from visiting his favorite patient.
“Wait, aren’t you supposed tonothave favorites?” Remi asked Ben as she cut into her green onion sticky waffle.
“It’s not like I’m a teacher. I absolutely have favorites.” He dashed pepper over his eggs. “I mean, the dude was such a dick about it, too. And sure, the patient was an eighty-five-year-old woman who wasapparentlytired, but he was so obviously jealous I was the one she liked the most. All flexing his muscles like a bouncer in some Tacoma dive bar, acting like I couldn’t take him, but I could. I could for sure take him.”
Maya tucked a blond lock behind her ear and cut into her pancake. “So… when are you going to ask him out?”
Ben arched an eyebrow. “I’m thinking tomorrow.”
Ella joined in the laughter. This group, this conversation, was what people talked about when they mentioned community, found family, and platonic love. The genuine love and mutual admiration among everyone here were obvious, and Ella felt honored to be a guest.
“Okay, tell us… how did everything go yesterday?” Remi winked at Sophie with a sly grin.
Sophie gave herthe look,the one that clearly conveyed Sophie was going to tackle her later in the parking lot.“You’re busting me.”
Huh?Ella’s gaze flickered between the women.
“Don’t be mad, okay?” Sophie spread her fingers across Ella’s forearm. “But Remi helped me out yesterday with the whole golfing thing.” Sophie dove into the story of how Remi, the golf manager, and Sophie devised the stolen golf cart heist.
“Wait! That’s what you two were talking about?” Maya’s eyes lit up. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Remi rested her fork on the side of her plate. “’Cause you can’t keep secrets and I could just see you sending Sophie a text that Ella would see and ruining the surprise.”
“Rude. And also, that’s totally fair.” Maya grinned and continued eating.
Sophie leaned into Ella’s ear. “Are you mad? I was worried about liability and everything. I didn’t want us to get arrested for breaking and entering. But… I wanted you to have a memorable experience.”
So, Ella didn’t actually steal a golf cart or run from the cops? This information shifted the evening into a different perspective. She’d flown high off that rebellious act for hours. But that high settled, and was now replaced with something that felt like the warmest group hug she’d ever known. “You all did that… for me?” She glanced at Remi. “You don’t even know me, and you used the big favor on me?”
Remi shrugged, her black curls bouncing with the motion. “We didn’t know you, but we know Sophie. You’ll soon find out we are this funky little family that does random shit for each other. We like to see each other happy.”
Maya leaned toward Ella. “And you make Sophie happy. Really, really happy.”
Ella gripped Sophie’s hand under the table and absorbed this information. Her heart filled, a smile spread uncontrollably, and the blush sweeping her cheeks differed from any other blush she’d felt before. Yes, this was the first time meeting this group, but she already felt like she belonged. True friendship, altruisticfriendship, was something that had been missing in her life. And now, she got to peek at what it may look like.
“Ahem.” Ben cleared his throat. “I would like it noted, once again, that I may not have fancy connections with a golf course manager, but I’m still the best-looking one out of the group.”
A collective groan rose from the table, and Remi bunched a napkin and threw it at Ben. Today was already perfect, and it wasn’t even noon.
Seven days had passed since Ella spent her first night at Sophie’s, six days since Ella met Sophie’s closest friends, two days since they spent all night in bed eating snacks in between marathon sex sessions, and one day since Sophie knew Ella was the one she wanted to be with.