Page 1 of Playing With Fire
Thick, acrid smoke billowed from the shattered windows of the old brick building, curling into the night sky like dark, twisting tendrils that blotted out the stars. Inside, the fire roared with a fierce, unrelenting intensity, casting an eerie orange glow that pulsed through the thick smoke, illuminating the shifting shadows within. Flames licked hungrily at the wooden beams of the ceiling, which groaned under the heat, sending sparks and embers spiraling into the air.
The restaurant’s interior had become a furnace of chaos. Tables and chairs were overturned, their shapes warped and twisted, caught in the hungry jaws of the inferno. In the kitchen, the clatter of metal pans falling from their racks added a chilling soundtrack to the disaster. Every few seconds, the fire grew louder, its roar punctuated by the sharp, piercing pops of glass jars shattering, their contents spilling and fueling the flames. The old electrical wiring sparked and crackled along the walls, sending a shower of sizzling embers across the floor.
Captain Cassidy Harris stood just beyond the engulfed entrance, barking commands with a voice that cut through the noise. Her helmet was pulled low over her eyes, shieldingher gaze from the flames as she directed her team with calm authority. Her face was streaked with soot and sweat, rivulets running down her cheeks, tracing patterns through the grime. Every muscle was taut, her senses sharp as she watched the inferno with the practiced focus of someone who knew just how unpredictable fire could be.
“Engine 3, cover the rear left! The fire’s spreading toward the restaurant’s kitchen.” Her voice was steady, even as the heat washed over her, fierce and unforgiving. Fires like this one were nothing new to her, after all.
She saw her lieutenant, Sara Perez, nod before relaying her command down the line without hesitation.
It had not been long since the legendary Fire Chief Becky Thompson had retired, flitting off to travel the world. (Whether it was a permanent retirement or not, who knew with Becky) And while Cass knew her team trusted her, Becky’s boots were intimidating to fill in her promotion to Acting Chief.
Shaking her head, Cass brought herself back to the here and now. She couldn’t allow herself to be distracted from the task at hand—especially not after the email that had landed in her inbox at the start of her shift. The city was sending out a consultant. They wouldn’t have dared try it under Becky Thompson’s reign, but now she was out of the way, all the pencil pushers had started jostling over who would revitalize all the public sectors. Not that much revitalization ever happened. No. It was always cuts, cuts, and more cuts.
Evelyn Ford was the name of the consultant, apparently. She’d be visiting the department in a day or so, no doubt scribbling notes on a clipboard and sneering at the vital work her team did—while never putting in a hard day’s work in her life, Cass would bet. She’d looked her up, of course. Evelyn had cut her way through a slew of government sectors in the last few years, and before that, she’d had a cushy job in finance. Howsomeone like that was supposed to know what was best for life-saving services, Cass would never know.
Donelli’s Pizza. The lettering above the door had been all but singed away, the edges of the plastic name melted and curling. The place had been a staple of Phoenix Ridge for decades. Cass only hoped the insurance would be enough to rebuild. She herself had spent countless meals there as a child, and even now it was her go-to spot when she was craving something quick and greasy. It’d be a shame to see it go for good.
Cass scanned the scene before her, eyes narrowing as she picked out each member of her crew amid the chaotic haze and flashing lights. Every move they made filled her with pride. These wereherpeople, her family in all but blood. The legacy that Chief Thompson had left behind for her to continue.
“Captain, we’ve got everyone out of the restaurant and the neighboring buildings. All civilians are gathered out on the east side.” Sara’s voice crackled down her radio.
Relief came in a quick and fleeting breath. Cass nodded to herself, her eyes darting up to the second story where flames were licking hungrily at the window frames, eager to claim even more of the building.
“Good job. Ladders at the ready. On my mark—get the water up there and reinforce the eastern side. We’re cutting off the supports below. Now,” she ordered, moving with practiced ease, her boots crunching on the ash-dusted asphalt. The last thing she needed was for the ceiling to collapse and feed the fire further. They were already at risk of it ballooning if it made it through the gas connection.
The firefighters moved in unison, each trained motion honed through countless drills and real-life rescues. They spread out, a seamless line of professionals, their reflective gear catching flickers of light from the blazing restaurant. One team wrestled a heavy-duty hose into position, its nozzle aimed directly atthe towering flames licking out of the windows. With a nod from Cass, they unleashed a powerful stream of water, the mist hissing and steaming as it hit the intense heat.
On Cass’s cue, the ladder team sprang into action. Two firefighters, grunting with the strain, extended a massive metal ladder to the eastern side of the building, anchoring it into place with a sharp clang. Within seconds, a firefighter was climbing up, hauling an extra hose and equipment as she moved. Her partner followed close behind, ready to reinforce her and work in tandem to get the water into the heart of the blaze.
Nearby, another group hacked away at a section of the building’s support with heavy axes, moving quickly but cautiously to create a break in the structure’s beams below. They worked in pairs—one steadying while the other struck with precision, metal biting into wood with a rhythmic thunk. Each blow was timed to avoid further stress on the building, reducing the risk of the ceiling caving in and spreading the flames into new areas.
Meanwhile, a small crew worked diligently near the gas line, carefully inspecting the pipes for signs of danger. Sweat glistened on their brows despite the chill of the night air, their movements deliberate, knowing that any small rupture could transform the fire into an uncontrollable explosion.
As Cass moved from team to team, her words of encouragement and sharp instructions kept everyone focused. Her presence seemed to anchor them, her voice cutting through the roar of the flames.
For just a moment, the roar of the fire dulled, and Cass focused on the steady rhythm of her heartbeat, fast but controlled. Unbidden, Becky’s last words before leaving came to her, echoing the advice she’d given Cass over and over through the years. “Trust your gut, Cass. It won’t lead you astray.”
The level of trust Becky had in her usually unnerved her, but tonight it only strengthened her. A rush of determination flared in her chest, merging seamlessly with her next shouted command.
Her team worked like a single, fluid organism, their steps a well-rehearsed routine, guided by her commands. Time stood still, minutes and seconds stretched as they fought against their ferocious and primal adversary. There was danger in their line of work—they all knew that day after day as they risked their lives—but there was beauty in it too. Beauty as they saved others from peril; beauty as they watched the final flames ebb into embers.
The fire’s resistance wavered as it struggled for life, then finally, with a last sullen spit of sparks, it relinquished its hold, sputtering out. Cass stood amidst the swirling remnants of smoke and wafts of plastic fumes, breathing hard as adrenaline pulsed a diminishing beat through her veins. She glanced around at her team, their faces streaked with exhaustion but proud, triumphant smiles tugging at their lips.
“Great work, everyone,” she called, her voice carrying over the clatter of their equipment and sirens. As the last glowing embers were doused and police moved in to secure the area, Cass felt the weight of everyone’s expectations settle comfortably across her shoulders. Becky was not here and they had been fine. They’d held the line tonight, and damn if she wasn’t proud of that.
Still, the night was yet young. Their debrief awaited them, and with it, the specter of whatever this new city consultant would bring with her.
The sharp scent of smoke still lingered in Cass’s hair as she pushed open the heavy door to the briefing room. The fluorescent lights overhead cast a stark glow onto the scuffed table in the center of the room, illuminating the worn, sweat-streaked faces of her crew as they slumped into the weathered chairs that surrounded the table. The post-operations debriefing was a familiar ritual to them all, a time to talk through the battle they’d just fought, analyze their performance, work through any problems, and rally themselves for the next inevitable call.
Cass’s gaze swept over the room, taking in the nods and tired smiles directed her way. The team settled themselves into their chairs, their energy spent, their uniforms still smudged with ash. Just as she opened her mouth to begin, the click of heels sounded in the hallway. Measured and deliberate. The atmosphere in the room shifted, the firefighters sitting up straighter and adjusting their uniforms, all the while darting glances toward the doorway.
Tall and impeccably dressed in a tailored blazer and pencil skirt, Evelyn Ford stepped into the room, a sharp silhouette against the scuffed walls. Clutched between her perfectly manicured hands, she held a tablet, which she finished tapping away on as she crossed the threshold into the briefing room. Her sharp gray eyes scanned the room with a critical detachment that made Cass’s lungs tighten. Silence pooled in her wake, broken only by the creak of chairs as everyone turned to look at her.
“Captain Harris?” she said, her tone low and modulated; every syllable was as crisp and precise as her appearance.