Page 34 of Beautiful Crazy
With a roll of her eyes, Gemma opens the fridge. “Want a beer?” she asks me, and I nod.
When she hands me the ice-cold bottle of Budweiser, our fingers brush, and once more, the feeling takes me aback. Our eyes lift, meeting, and we both pause for a moment, as if letting the electricity flow.
“Thank you,” I say with my heart in mythroat.
“No problem, Mr. Windward.”
Gemma grins proudly as laughter rumbles from my chest. Something about the way she says my name like that does something to me. It reminds me that I really shouldn’t be feeling this way about her, given that she’s one of my student’s parents, but at the same time, the forbidden nature of it gets me all hot and bothered.
And based on the look in her eyes and the way her cheeks pink up every time she does it, I’d say it has the same effect on her.
It’s nearly ten by the time we’re pulling into my driveway. Everett puts the car in park, and when I glance in the back seat, I notice that Sutton is out cold. Which really says something about how hard he played today—both at the game, and then at Georgia’s—because the drive from her place to mine is only ten minutes max.
“Somebody’s tuckered out,” Everett says with a chuckle.
There’s something so domestic about him sitting in the driver’s seat of my car. I shouldn’t like it… but I do. I think it’s inherently woven into our DNA as women to find it sexy when a man drives our car.
“Yup, boy played his heart out today.” I breathe out a laugh as we both climb out. “I’m going to have to carry him in, probably. Sutton’s a heavy sleeper.”
“Here, let me help you,” he offers, jogging around thecar to grab my purse and the leftover food Georgia sent us home with. “You carry him, and I’ll get everything else.”
“You sure?” Meeting his gaze from across the back seat, I unbuckle an unmoving Sutton. “I don’t mind making a second trip. You’ve been out of the house all day, I’m sure you’re itching to get in your house and get comfortable.”
His brows scrunch as his lips tug into a grin. “It’s no trouble, Gemma. I want to help.”
My mind goes back to the last time we were in my house together. Well, technically, it was outside. The wine we drank, the conversations we shared. It felt like we grew closer that night, connected in a way I didn’t anticipate.
And the almost kiss…
If Sutton hadn’t woken up because of a nightmare, we definitely would have. There’s a small part of me that thinks I should feel more freaked out by that. By the fact that I was so close to kissing somebody who wasn’t my husband. That I was soreadyto kiss somebody who wasn’t Dylan. I haven’t kissed somebody new since I was a teenager. But it’s also impossible to deny how much Ireallywanted him to kiss me.
Looking into the future, I always kind of assumed at one point I’d move on. Figured I wouldn’t stay celibate the rest of my life. I mean, hell, I am only in my thirties. But for so long, the idea of having somebody’s lips on mine that didn’t belong to Dylan, somebody’s hands—and more—seemed scary. And then as time went on, it was just easier to stay single, to not even bother trying. I’ve seen from both of my sisters how horrid dating is these days, and it didn’t feel worth it.
The apps, the awkward, forced small talk, the neverknowing what you should do on a date. Yuck. It all sounded like it wasn’t worth the effort. Besides, I have Sutton, and the last thing I want to do is have him get attached to somebody I date, only for it to end up not working out. He doesn’t deserve that.
Our almost kiss, though… I’ve thought about it more than I haven’t over the last week. Wondering how it would have felt. What kind of kisser is Everett? Would his lips taste as addicting as the way his gaze feels on my body? Would I want to take it further?
Honestly, I think the answer is yes. On both fronts.
The more I think about that night, the more I think my sisters may be right. Maybe I am ready for something, after all. Some no-strings fun. Everett and I are both mature adults, we’re both single, and the connection is definitely there. At first, when Grace teased me about the way Everett looked at me, I didn’t see it. I’ve been single for so long, I don’t even realize when people are flirting with me, but now I can. Now that I know what to look for.
So, as I get Sutton tucked into bed, I decide to put on my big girl panties and talk to Everett. Proposition him, if you will.
My heart pounds a mile a minute as I leave my son’s room, it nearly beating right out of my chest as I spot Everett in my kitchen, putting the leftovers away in the fridge. He’s so helpful. And sweet. A gentleman. I drag in a deep breath before waltzing into the kitchen to meet him. His eyes immediately find mine, and my entire body flushes hot.
“You didn’t have to put all of that away,” I murmur. “Thankyou.”
He grins, and I can feel it in my core. “You’re welcome.”
“Do you want to stay for a glass of wine?”
“I’d love to.” His reply is instant, like he doesn’t even have to think about it.
A smile tugs on my lips as I step farther into the kitchen and grab two wineglasses out of the cabinet. My heart is in my throat as I uncork the bottle and pour us each a generous amount.