Page 66 of Beautiful Crazy
A flirty grin tugs at his lips. “Am I allowed to ask dirty questions?”
Dragging my bottom lip between my teeth, my core aches as I shrug. “It’s your game, Mr. Windward. You make the rules.”
My stomach flutters as I watch his cheeks darken. The juxtaposition of his sweet, nice guy side and his filthy, dirty-talking, sexual side is such a turn on.
A gentleman in the streets and a freak in the sheets.
“What’s a fantasy you’ve had that you’ve never been able to do?” he asks, a throaty rasp to his voice that spreads through my veins like wildfire.
Heart rate speeding up, the answer is thereimmediately. I don’t even have to think about it, but the idea of saying it out loud has my mouth drying with nerves. He must see it all over my face, my apprehension, because he says, “You don’t have to be nervous. I want to know what you’re into so I can better please you.”
Goosebumps bloom all over my body at that statement. I clear my throat, deciding to just go for it. “Double penetration.” My pulse roars in my ears as I continue. “You know last night when you had me on all fours, and you put your thumb in my ass?” He nods, an unmistakable flicker of heat in his gaze. “I really liked that and want more.”
God, the way Everett looks at me… I could combust just from his gaze.
I’ve never had anybody look at me the way he does. How did I not see it before?
“We can definitely explore that,” he rasps. “Seeing the way you reacted to me doing that, and hearing the sounds you made, turned me on so much.”
My thighs clench at hearing him say that. Something about him makes me feel free and comfortable, like I can explore this part of myself that I never gave a voice to before. It wasn’t nearly as scary as I thought it would be to let him see me naked and have me in that way. His attention makes me feel empowered.
And horny. Definitely horny. Everett heats my blood in a way that I haven’t felt in years. After going so many years without sex of any kind, I kind of thought maybe I lost that drive. Sure, I have my toys and I enjoy alone time pretty frequently, but that’s different. The burning ache is rarely there when I’m by myself. This overwhelming, throbbingneed, the primal urge to let go and lose myself in somebody. In him.
But I know if I let myself give in to those urges right now, we’ll never leave my house, and I want to take him somewhere today, and maybe fulfill one of his fantasies too. So, as much as it pains me, I shove those desires to the back of my mind and finish the rest of my coffee.
“All right, as much as I’d love to continue this little game, we should get ready so I can take you to explore. And who knows, maybe we will get to continue it there.”
“Well, I like the sound of that,” he replies huskily before finishing off the rest of what’s in his mug too. “I’ll head next door and take a shower while you do the same?”
“Sounds good. I’ll text you once I’m ready since it’ll probably take me longer.”
“Can you believe I’ve never been to one of these before?” Everett asks as we trek through the sand.
“Really?” I glance over at him, finding him already watching me. “They don’t have lighthouses in Washington?”
“I’m sure they do.” He huffs out a laugh. “I’ve just never been to one.”
“I’ve been to a few, but this one is by far my favorite.” Taking in the sight before us—the sandy beach, the waves lapping at the shore, the clear blue sky—a sense of calm washes over me, like it does every time I come here. “Thislighthouse has been here since the mid-1800s, but it was rebuilt after it was destroyed in the Civil War.”
Everett slips his hand into mine, linking our fingers together as we walk. The feel of his warm, rough palm against mine makes me shiver in a way that has nothing to do with the breeze. “It’s hard to believe something has been here for that long,” he says, eyes trained ahead. “Imagining people building something of this caliber back then. It’s amazing.”
“Did you know that lighthouse keeping was one of the first U.S. government jobs available to women?”
Looking over, I find Everett watching me from behind his sunglasses, lip quirked up on one side. “Gemma, I had no idea you were such a lighthouse aficionado.”
I chuckle. “Yeah, I did a project on them in school once, and I’ve been fascinated with them ever since. Not to mention, this was where I hung out a lot as a teenager.”
“Really?” He arches a brow. “Tell me another fact.”
Tapping my index finger on my chin, I hum for a moment before saying, “There are more than one hundred and fifteen lighthouses along the Great Lakes in Michigan, making it the state with the most in all of the country.”
“Damn.” His thumb rubs mindlessly along my skin; such a simple touch that I can feel everywhere. “That’s really cool.”
“I’d love to visit Michigan one day to see them all.”
“It would be worth the trip,” he murmurs as we walk into the lighthouse. “You should do it.”
You should come with me.