Page 92 of Beautiful Crazy
Pulling open the front door, I smile as my eyes land on Everett. “You don’t have to knock, you know,” I tease, stepping to the side to let him pass by. “You can just come in. You’re over here enough.”
Stopping in front of me, his eyes glint with excitement. He leans in, his hand coming to my stomach in the way it always seems to lately, even though I’m nowhere near showing, and he presses a quick kiss to my lips. One that has me easily wanting more.
“Ready, mama?” he asks with a smirk that makes my heart beat faster.
“Let’s do this.”
Everett slips his hand into mine, giving me a squeeze, before we make our way toward Sutton’s room, and I knock on the door.
“Come in!” Sutton calls out immediately.
My heart’s beating a mile a minute as we walk into his room. I never want Sutton to feel like he’s not enough for me, or worry that this new baby will take his place. And I know I’m being irrational, and it’s probably the hormones talking, but the worry that he may ever think any of those things guts me. So much so that I started crying in theshower this morning as I was trying to prepare what I was going to say.
“Whatcha doing?” I ask as I plop down on the bed beside him. Everett rolls Sutton’s desk chair over to the bed, sitting in it backward. How is that so hot?
Focus, Gemma. Now is not the time to get hot and bothered by your baby daddy.
“I’m building a house,” he says, eyes trained on his iPad. He shows us the screen. “See?”
“That looks cool,” I tell him before swallowing against the lump forming in my throat. “Can Everett and I talk to you really quick?”
“Sure.” Locking the screen, Sutton sets the iPad on the nightstand beside him, sitting up, and flitting his gaze between me and Everett. “What’s up?”
“Well, we’ve got something exciting to tell you.” I reach out and cover his hand with mine, a visible tremble to it that I hope he doesn’t see. Gaze finding Everett’s, he gives me a supportive smile and nod. “I’m pregnant, babe.”
Sutton’s eyes widen as he looks from me to Everett. “Wh-what? You’re having a… a baby?”
Everett rolls the chair closer, pressing a hand to Sutton’s knee. “You’re going to be a big brother, buddy.”
Sutton’s head snaps in my direction, lips parted in surprise, eyes red and glassy. “I’m going to have a brother or sister?”
Tears spring to my eyes as I nod. “Yeah, babe, you’re going to have a little brother or sister. How do you feel about that?”
His bottom lip quivers, which has the tears spilling over and falling down my cheeks. He’s quiet for a moment,looking like he’s in shock, before he finally launches himself at me, wrapping his arms around me as his head rests on my chest. “That’s so cool, Mom! I’ve always wanted a brother or sister!”
My eyes lift, meeting Everett’s as I hug Sutton back, feeling like my heart is on the verge of exploding.He’s happy about this.I didn’t realize how worried I was that he’d be upset until just now as relief blankets me. Shifting away from me, Sutton hugs Everett next, holding on to him tight, and my chest squeezes.
After a few minutes, I dry my face and climb off the bed. “How about I make us some lunch?”
“Okay! Everett, wanna play catch with me while we wait?”
Everett chuckles, ocean eyes finding mine as he nods. “Yeah, buddy. Let’s go play some catch.”
On their way out, Sutton wraps his arms around my middle for another hug as Everett presses a kiss to my forehead. I know it’s partially the hormones running amuck, but my gosh, I’m a blubbering mess. I can only imagine the emotional wreck I’ll be the further along I get, or when the baby is actually here and I get to see the two people I love the most love on this little human growing inside of me.
To think that all of this started because I decided to walk up and talk to a stranger on the pier. For so long, it was just Sutton and I, and now I can’t picture our lives without Everett in it too.
Life has a funny way of working itself out and giving you things you never knew you needed.
Six Months Later
She’s glowing. I can’t look away.
Gemma looks utterly breathtaking as she stands with her toes in the sand, a cream-colored dress hugging her beautiful baby bump, and her blonde hair blowing in the soft breeze. Sutton’s hands are pressed against her stomach as he peers up at his mom, the sweetest smile on both of their faces.