Page 107 of Bloodlust
A righteous king would go down with their subjects.
I am not righteous like a king.
But Iamconniving like a queen.
My kingdom will burn, and I'll watch it crumble.
With peace in my heart.
"Hi." I place a hand over my chest as I make eyecontact with Maeve. "I might not see you again." Moving my hand from my heart to the tank, I sigh. "Thank you for listening to me when I needed to talk..."
"Cami?" Zoey clears her throat as she approaches. "We need to get ready," she says, eyeing the great white shark. "Leo says Frankie and the men are almost here."
"Okay," I whisper, nodding toward the hallway. "Let's do this."
"Here." Zoey hands me a tiny, beige earpiece. "Put this on."
I frown, sticking the device in my ear. I wince at the momentary static. "Ow."
"Apologies," Hayden's stoic, professional voice crackles through the speaker. "Is this better?"
"Hay—" I freeze, swallowing as Zoey leads us to an administrative office in the aquarium. We're on the FBI frequency. "Agent Malcolm, I didn't know you'd be joining me today."
"Last minute decision," he says. "Since we can't have eyes inside the warehouse, I figured ears would suffice." He pauses. "Have you put on the vest?"
"Doing it now," I whisper as Leo holds out the custom-made vest. I run my fingers along the thin material, feeling the ridges and bumps. "Did you guys test it?"
Leo raises a brow. “What?”
I tap the earpiece. "Asking Hayden."
"Oh," Leo hums, nodding.
"Many times," Hayden replies. "It will work. Put it on. How does it feel?"
"Give me a second." I turn to face Leo as I take off myjacket and shirt. Goosebumps manifest all over my skin. Leo's expression remains neutral, eyes glued to my face as he helps secure the vest in place. Taking a deep breath, I trail my fingers along the center. "It's very light. Hard to believe it works."
"Light but powerful," Hayden says, his tone on edge. "Camilla… There's a very limited target. You need to be sure?—"
"It'll be fine," I cut him off, slipping my t-shirt and jacket back on. "Have a little faith, Doc."
He doesn't laugh.
"We have agents surrounding the port," he says, clearing his throat. "Alba's shipment arrived earlier today. We have footage of them loading the weapons into two unmarked vans."
"Two?" I say, biting my lip. "You sure?"
"Two," he repeats himself.Shit. "All agents will remain at a distance until the deal is done. We cannot risk any speculation from Almuluk or The Dragons. Do you understand what I'm saying, Miss Bianco?"
"That I'll be on my own until it happens," I say, looking down and seeing Zoey's hand encircle mine. I smile at her. "Well, the three of us will be on our own."
"I'll also be with you, Miss Bianco," Hayden whispers. "Right here, okay?"
"Frankie's outside," Leo notes, checking his phone. "We gotta go, Mils."
"I heard that," Hayden notes in a wavering tone. "Good luck, Camilla."