Page 127 of Bloodlust
"Wonderful," Cowry states, glancing at Scott and Deol. "Why don't we take a quick ten-minute break? I need to contact Williams at Quantico and tell him to expect a new recruit."
"I don't want to do this," Zoey mutters as we stand up and walk toward the refreshment table. I pass her a mug. "I think we should say no, Cami. This wasn't the agreement. They can'tjust?—"
"Zoella," I say, facing her. "You're doing this, understand? It's done. They're probably going to ship me to Buttfuck Nowhere while they sort all this shit out. You're young Zoey." I give her a warm smile. "And so fucking bright, okay? This is a chance for you to build a life, a chance for you to be a part of something meaningful. And whenever this is done, whenever the dust settles, I'll see you again, okay? It's not going to be forever. It's just temporary, Zoe."
"No buts, Zoey," I say with absolute resolution. "You've given up enough of your future for me. Not this time." I nod over her shoulder. "I'm going to go to the bathroom now, okay? Don't you dare bow out while I'm gone."
Zoey rolls her eyes as I head out of the boardroom. "You're still bossy!"
"Fuck if I care!" I call back, sighing as a wave of sadness washes over me.
I'm going to be alone. Actually alone. Maybe I need this. Maybe it's finally time.
No people.
No ghosts.
No one destroying my dreams. No one messing with my mind. No one haunting my heart.
I can do it... I can?—
"Camilla!" I gasp as Hayden taps my shoulder. "Come with me."
"No," I whisper, picking up speed as I attempt to runaway from him. "Go away, Hayden. We can't do this. We can't?—"
"Come here," he grunts, grabbing my wrist. He looks around before opening a door to a broom closet and shoving me inside. He closes the door gently, running a frustrated hand through his hair as I cross my arms. "This silent treatment needs to end, Camilla. Talk to me for God's sake."
"About what?" I ask as daylight peaks through the caged window of the storage room and lines Hayden's face with checkers. "There's nothing left to say, Hayden! You killed him, you killed my father. It's done."
"Ihadto," he grunts, exasperated as he stalks toward me. I take a step away from him, my back hitting the plastic storage shelf. "I understand you are upset with me, Camilla, I know you wanted to see him brought to justice?—"
"What?" I ask, narrowing my puzzled eyes up at Hayden. "You think I'mmadat you forkillinghim? You think that's why I've been ignoring you? He killed Leo, Hayden! He deserved to die."
He blinks. "Then why…?"
"Because," I whisper, lip quivering as I place my palm on his rising chest. "Because now you're part of the case, Hayden. You're not just some random agent, some badge number that was on the scene."
"Oh, baby," Hayden hums, pained realization dawning on him as he watches me disappear right before his eyes. "We can?—"
"No, we can't, Hayden. Wecan't. That's the thing." I shake my head, eyes welling with tears. "You pulled thetrigger, Hayden. We... We can'tdothis now." I suck in a shaky breath as Hayden stares down at me, internal conflict battling in his jade eyes. "Agent Cowry was right. This case is already so convoluted, so fucking messy, and we can't do anything to jeopardize its success." I swallow as he hovers over me, like a looming shadow of bad timing and star-crossed paths. "Leo died, Hayden. He can't have died in vain."
"Fuck." Hayden's neck tightens, his breathing shallow as he grabs the edge of the shelf, leaning forward, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. "This is all so fucked."
I close my eyes, inhaling the sweet, minty scent of his breath as he brushes his hand through my hair, his fingers digging into my scalp with need, with longing, with the brutal realization that I'm correct.
"Hayden, please," I breathe. "We need to say goodbye."
"Can you feel my heart, Camilla?" he whispers, chest rising against my palm. "Can you feel how fast my heart is beating?"
He drags his hand down the side of my face, my dampened cheek, the curve of my neck. His touch is scalding but frigid, gentle but rough, gut-wrenchingly painful but, oh God, nothing has ever felt as pure.
"I'm intoxicated by you, Camilla." He dips his fingers under my chin, tipping my head back as his glossy gaze sweeps mine. "No matter where you go, no matter how long we are apart, my heart will only beat for you." He rests his forehead against mine. "Only for you."