Page 130 of Bloodlust
"Yeah... I'm not going to talk to you aboutcorn, Zoey, especially not when we haveotherimportant topics to your education." I raise a brow. "How's that going, huh? How's Agent Williams? Or should I say,ProfessorWilliams? Hmm? He still giving you a hard time?" I pause as Zoey's breathing turns heavy. "A really,reallyhard time?"
"Melody," Zoella grunts through her teeth. "Drop it, okay? There is nothing to talk about becausenothinghas happened, got it?"
I roll my eyes as I turn onto my street. I live on a cul-de-sac. Me. Hell has frozen over.
"Listen, Zoe, I haven't had any action inmonths," I state. "Months! So, no, I will notdrop it, okay? I want every single salacious detail. I want length, girth, stamina, everything!"
"," Zoey draws out, bewildered.Prude. "You need some serious help."
"Oh, shut up," I grumble. "I'm fine. Totally and utterly fine." I let out a sharp breath. "So? Please? Fill me in."
"I am not going to tell you about…" She swallows. "Melody." Her voice rises several octaves. "I am drawing a line, okay? This... This is me setting boundaries."
"Boundaries?" I huff. "Suddenly you care about boundaries? So, installing encryption software on my phone isn't crossing any lines but talking about your sex life is a no-no? Okay. Got it. Cool. Totally makes sense."
"Mel," Zoey grunts. "I don't want to talk about it, okay? Especially not when I'm in thehallof the dorms."
"Zoey's thirsty for her teacher," I sing-song, "Zoey's thirsty for her teacher!”
"Melody!" Zoey spits. "Shut up!"
"Ugh, you're no fun,Zoella," I sigh, glowering at my driveway as I pull up. "Let me live vicariously through your sexcapades. Please!" I turn off the engine and hop out of the truck, propping my phone against my shoulder as I get out my house keys. "I'm literally in the middle of nowhere with a liquor store that only sells like five types of wine, okay? Sorry if I'm craving a little adventure and scandal."
"Are you home now?" Zoey asks in a super sus tone.
"Yeah," I say, frowning. "Just stepped through the door. Why?"
"Nothing," she chirps. "Just be careful what you wish for."
"What are you talking about?" My brows pinchtogether as I drop my purse on the kitchen counter. "Zo—" My heart seizes as soft music begins to play from the living room. "Shit, there's someone here."
"There sure is," Zoey coos. "Have fun,Melody..."
"Wha..." My jaw drops, eyes widening as Hayden steps into my kitchen. My mouth waters as he bounces The Anaconda between his palms. "Holy shit," I swallow, blinking. Am I hallucinating? "You're..." This must be a fucking dream. My chest rises as he stalks toward me, a cunning smirk on his face. "What are you doing here?"
"This is rather large," he notes, cocking his head to the side as he licks his lips. "I take it you've missed me?"
I blink again, clenching my thighs together as I shake my head. "You're not supposed to be here." He continues to march toward me, his greedy gaze sweeping across my stunned face, my reactive body until he's two feet away from me. I swallow as he places the toy on the counter. "How are you here?"
"I told you, Camilla," he says in a low, deep voice as he begins to unbutton his dress shirt. "I told you I wouldn't give up, didn't I?" He maintains my flustered eyes as he teases me, taunts me, with every single fucking button. "Did you think I was lying?" He cocks his head, giving me a devilish smirk. "You did, didn't you?"
"I just…" My lungs expand in my chest as I flit my gaze across his smooth, sculpted chest. Biting my lip, I stare at his belt buckle and the growing bulge beneath it as I breathe out, "How are you here?"
"Well." He strips out of his shirt, throwing it aside as he takes slow, purposeful steps toward me. "Arms up."
Silently, I obey, throwing my hands in the air as Hayden tears off my hoodie in one swift motion.
"Good girl," he rasps, grabbing the loops of my jeans as he walks us backward and thrusts his hips against mine.
"Answer my question," I breathe, the friction of his growing erection rubbing against my clit. "Fuck..."
"It took some time," he whispers, ducking his head into the crook of my neck, his tongue flicking and licking my skin as he peels the spaghetti straps over my shoulder, my tits spilling out. "But I convinced Cowry that in order for you to stand trial..." His teeth graze the lobe of my ear and I let out a moan as I reach for his belt buckle. "You need to be of sound body." Before I can unleash him, Hayden spins me around in his arms and pushes me against the counter, the granite icy against my breasts. With one hand, he unzips my pants, tugging them just above my knees. He growls, slapping my ass as I squeal. "Andmind."
He's a goddamn lunatic.
And I fucking love it.
"Therapy?" I pant, biting my lip as I wiggle my ass for more. Craning my neck, I give Hayden an amused smirk. "Is that what we're doing here, Doctor? You here to heal my soul?"