Page 82 of Bloodlust
Hard. Cold. Deadly.
I fell on ice once. It didn't catch me. It didn't break my fall. No. It broke me.
I've hated snow ever since.
People are like snow.
Everyone in my life is a snowflake. Beautiful at first but they always turn ugly. Hideous. Some people show their true colors sooner than others. Like Leo, who left.Like Hayden, who lied. And like my father, my own flesh and blood, who committed the worst crime of all.
He betrayed me. He manipulated me. He turned me into a fucking monster.Hedid that. He did that with his words.
With his promise of revenge.
I stare at the clock in Hayden's office, muffled conversation flowing in and out my ringing ears as I remember the day my father visited me in the hospital a couple of weeks after Daniel died. Leo was right. I think I wanted to die too. I was close. My heart stopped that night. It might have stopped again if not for his words. My father's words. His words revived me.
I was reborn.
"We will kill every one of them, bambina. We will rise up and become the most powerful family. A family that no one would think of fucking with ever again." He looks at me, dead in the eyes, and says, "One day, Camilla, this will all be yours. And you alone will make El Castro suffer for taking the life of your dear Daniel." He holds my hand and gives it a squeeze. "You are a Bianco, and you will get your revenge."
My gaze floats from the ticking clock to the bank statements spread out on Hayden's coffee table. Wire transfers to an offshore account. Mere days before the wedding. Fifty thousand dollars. That's how much Daniel was worth. A measly 50k. That's how worthless he was to my father. It's offensive. We pay more for no ones. Daniel wasn't a no one.
He was snow that never turned black.
I think my father knew that. He must have seen Daniel's heart. He knew. I don't know how he knew, buthe did. He knew I was going to leave. That I was going to run. He made sure I didn't. In hindsight, it makes sense. He played the long game. Welcomed Daniel with open arms. Supported our relationship. Gave me dating advice. And then, just as he planned, he created ice from snow. And I fell, only to have him pick me up. Be my savior. My lifeline. He offered me a new purpose. And I took it.
Right out of his traitorous fucking hands.
Dad might have created a snowstorm but me? I'm going to make it rain fuckingice.
I grit my teeth, tuning back into reality as I skim the room and take in the faces of the people who will help me get the revenge my father spoke so highly of.
Pamela Scott, Assistant United States Attorney. The woman needs some night cream, but she's got a fighter stance. Hardeep Deol, Assistant District Attorney. He has kind eyes, but the man's put more gangs out of business than anyone else in the tri-state area. Phillip Cowry, FBI. Hayden's boss. He actuallydoeslook frightening. He's clearly seen some shit in his days.
And then there's the doc.
I swallow when our eyes meet. He gives me a weak smile and runs a hand through his thick hair. It's silky. I know that. I can feel the softness on my fingertips. Soft like snow. I clench my fist, yanking my longing gaze away. It shouldn't feel soft. Not anymore. It can't.
"Miss Bianco," Pamela begins, taking a seat around the coffee table. She places a recording device on the table and flips open a notebook. "We are very pleased that you've decided to assist in our investigation. Asdiscussed with Agent Malcolm, we are prepared to offer you complete immunity for the successful prosecution of The Angels." She nods at Hardeep who pulls out a stack of documents from his briefcase. "This paperwork will?—"
"I need immunity for three," I state in a firm tone. "That's non-negotiable."
"Three?" Agent Cowry raises a bushy grey brow, his forehead wrinkling as he glances at Hayden. "Do you know anything about this?"
Hayden shoots me a puzzled side-eye. "No, I wasn't aware Miss Bianco had caveats when she agreed to?—"
"I do," I say, crossing my arms, my foot anxiously tapping. "I want immunity for myself, as well as Zoella and Leonardo Di Rossi." I blink at the government pawns. "Will that be a problem?"
Unease stirs in the air as stares and silent words are exchanged between the four. If they want my help, they're going to have to play ball.
I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't. I stayed awake and I thought about Hayden's offer.Immunity for the takedown of The Angels.I said I needed proof. And he gave it to me. Clear as day. Irrefutable evidence that my father hired a hitman. The Council must have known. Fifty thousand isn't a large sum, but it's from the corporate account. They all need to sign off. They all knew. They were all in on it. They are all guilty.
Except for Zoey.
And unfortunately, Leo. He wasn't a council member. Too young. Too unreliable. Too fucking aloof. But he took a bullet for me. Thinking back, I don't think that bulletwas ever supposed to hit me. Just scare me. Regardless, I always pay my debt.
"Unfortunately, Miss Bianco, that will not be possible," Pamela finally breaks the awkward silence. She clears her throat and glances briefly at Agent Cowry. "This is our final offer."
"Really?" I lean back into the sofa and tilt my head, giving her a smile. "Because I think you're lying. I think youneedme. I think you need me because all you guys have is—" I shrug, "—circumstantial evidence? Right? And we all know that doesn't do jack shit in court." I let out a breath. "So, let's try this again. Immunity for three. Yes?"