Page 92 of Bloodlust
"Boundaries, Doctor," I whisper, relishing in his affection. "This office might be bugged."
"You're impossible," he says, pulling away. He scans my fading expression with an observant eye. "You should get some rest. It's late."
"No," I say, shaking my head. "We still need to go over the details."
Hayden quirks up a brow. "Do you ever sleep?"
"No." I stand up and head to the coffee machine set up in the corner of the room. I grin inwardly. "I can sleep when I'm dead."
Chapter 25
Reliable trust must be earned. It costs a fortune.
Weeks. Years. Decades.
It's a worthy investment, one that returns tenfold, but I cannot afford to wait. I do not have the luxury of time.
Only a person in a dire situation would exchange trust for faith. Blind faith, at that. Like a dangerous game of Russian roulette. Exactly like Russian roulette.
Do or die.
It's a gamble.
It's faith.
"Hazel?" I say her name in a gentle voice as she stares out at the city blocks. An empty martini glass rests between her restless fingers as she tucks loose strands of hair behind her ear. Her bruises are fading. Hints of plum and indigo peak through the concealer, but they're almost gone. Soon, they'll disappear. Once they do, she might forget they were ever there. That's the risk. "Hazel?"
"It's late," she says, clearing her throat as she checks her Rolex watch. With a conflicted timbre in her tone, she adds, "I should go. Wei's probably wondering where I am."
"Yeah..." I trail off as I check the influx of text messages from the club's night manager. Of all the days to get sick, Bunny had to choose Whips N' Wine Wednesdays. "I need to head to the club. We're short-staffed."
Hazel raises a brow as she places three twenties on the table. "You actually work?"
"Sometimes," I snort, hitching a proud shoulder. "If I'm bored."
She flashes me a weak smile. "Sounds fun...having a choice."
Hayden's low, rumbling voice infiltrates my thoughts. He's been doing that a lot recently. I can't seem to mute him. Every time I try, he gets louder. It's almost deafening. I can't hear anything else.
"Everyone has a choice," I say as we leave the bar. I glance across the street at my club as I flag a cab for Hazel. A taxi stops almost immediately, and I open the car door for her as she slides inside and grips her handbag. She looks up at me, conflict dancing across her weary features. I tilt my head. "Let me know yours soon, yeah?"
She swallows. "I'm scared."
Me too.
"Fear forces us to be brave," I say, sucking in a sharp, cold breath.
"Yeah." Hazel nods, contemplating our conversation. "I'll text you tomorrow."
"I'll be waiting," I say, slamming the cab door shut.
I watch Hazel drive away before I run across the street toward Suffer N' Rage.Shit, that's a big line.Vince, the bouncer, unlocks the velvet ropes for me as I waltz inside, my shoulders relaxing as comfortable familiarity soothes my nerves.
"Cami!" Javi screams my name as he runs toward me. "You're here!" He stops in front of me, adjusting his tear-away tuxedo. "Like it?" He wiggles his brows, flashing me a pearly white grin. "Kody's got a matching one. We thought maybe later after our set we could?—"
"No," I say, shutting him down immediately. I blink, surprised at myself. Clearing my throat, I offer him a gentle smile as I place a hand on his chest. "I... I think we're done with...that."