Page 24 of Game Misconduct
He was suddenly furious. “Fuck you! I’m not a fucking kid, I can take care of myself.”
“Yeah, but you kind of like it when I tell you what to do, don’t you? So stay on the line.”
Fuck. He was way too drunk to get it up, but his dick was making a half-hearted effort anyway as he trudged the block toward the hotel. “I see—I see what you’re doing, youfuck.”
“Uh-huh,” Garcia said placatingly. “Keep walking, kid. So you kicked Gardiner’s ass tonight, I saw.”
“Youdidwatch me.”
“Not live. We played tonight too.”
“You record my games?”
“They’re all on ESPN anyway, and you’re not in my blackout area. Gotta keep up with the competition.”
“You fuckingdork.”
“Yeah, yeah. He really got you in the mouth, though, didn’t he?”
“Bet you’re jeaaaalousss.”
“Bet you wanna lick the blood off.”
“That would be—no.”
“Yeah, but I bet you wanna, because you’re just as fucked up as me.”
“How far away from the hotel are you?”
“Just a block but...”
“Okay. Keep walking.”
“I’d let you.”
“I’d let you. Lick the blood off.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Not so fucking smooth now are you. You sexy fuckingasshole.”
“How much did youdrink?”
“Enough. I’d let you...”
“Okay. Okay. Jesus. Keep walking.”
“Would you?”
“Would I what?”
“Lick it off. I’d let you bite me there. Right where it fucking hurts. I bet you’d likethat.”