Page 35 of Game Misconduct
Lévesque had slightly dead-looking shark’s eyes, a brown so deep it was practically black, and Danny didn’t particularly like meeting them. “Hmm.”
“Going somewhere with this, Cap?”
“You should keep it up. Landry looks up to you, for whatever reason.”
Danny exhaled through his nose, short and sharp. Landry had bad taste in potential mentors, and worse taste in the way he chose to speak on the ice. “Sure, Cap,” he said, so bland that even Lévesque must have suspected what was up.
Lévesque’s thick eyebrows shot up, but he didn’t say anything.
Sure, Cap, that’s me. Inspiring the youth, helping people improve their game, doing good in the ’Burgh.If he thought about it too long, he had the urge to laugh. Or maybe puke.
Araceli texted him as he sat on the bus with the rest of the team on the way back to the hotel.You’re not going to stop by and say hello, are you?
I can’t, Celi. We fly out early tomorrow and I’m wiped.
Yeah, okay.
Mom and Dad were just asking about you, that’s all.
What’d you tell them?
What could I tell them? I don’t know what you get up to, and I don’t know why you won’t talk to us. I’m not even at home.
Danny rested his head against the cool glass window and wished, for a minute, that he could just scoop out his brain like it was melted ice cream and drop it in the trash can. His parents deserved a better son than him, but he was the only one they had. Gears had passed out next to him, his head drooping to rest on Danny’s shoulder. Danny shifted the phone to his left hand, so he wouldn’t wake him, even though it was awkward typing.
You don’t have to tell them anything.
Yes, I do! They’re fucking worried, Danny!
I don’t know what to tell you. I’m fine. Nothing’s falling apart.
They’re not worried about your knees and hips, asshole.
I know. was a good game anyway. Three points, huh?
Why is everyone so goddamn surprised?
Fastest you’ve moved in a while. Someone light a fire under your ass?
Coach mostly leaves me alone. And I haven’t dated anyone since Lauren.
This was, technically, not untrue. Araceli knew about him. He’d come out to her a long time ago, back when she was still effectively his hockey mom, and he’d been fourteen and hormonal and really fucking confused. But he didn’t know how he would even begin explaining Mike and their whole thing to her. It was definitely easier not to. And it wasn’t like Danny was talking to him right now, anyway.
Yeah, well, maybe you should.
That’s not very therapist-y of you.
I can wear more than one hat. You don’t pay your goddamn bills anyway.
I love you, Celi.
Love you too, hermanito. Sleep well, okay? And please think about talking to them.
I will.