Page 37 of Home Ice Advantage
Eric had to shove him down into the bed before he could actually get his pants and shirt off, laughing again when Sully took the opportunity to stare at him, too. He wasn’t sure what he was seeing. Especially after he’d stopped playing, Eric wasn’t anything special, tall and more lanky than built.
But for a guy who’d apparently waited until middle age to figure out that he was into other men, Sully was certainly enthusiastic about looking, and he was certainly enthusiastic about touching. He was enthusiastic when Eric pushed his head down and said, “Suck my dick, then,” and he was enthusiastic when Eric got a hand in his hair to tug at it.
Eric was honestly obsessed with the sounds he made, the gasp when Eric yanked him back up so he could kiss him, the choked-off noise of surprise when Eric pushed him back down. It was that Sully just liked everything so fucking much, no matter what Eric did, even when Eric hadn’t touched his dick at all, he was still achingly hard, gripping himself with one hand like if he didn’t, he was going to come right then and there.
“Fuck, you really like that,” Eric said, which was stupid and obvious and also made Sully groan around his dick, so it was worth it. “God, that’s—yeah. Like that.” Eric held out as long as he could bear it, but at a certain point, if Sully wantedeverything... He pulled Sully’s head up, trying to bite back another laugh at the offended noise Sully made when he did.
“I don’t want to come before we actually fuck,” Eric said, and Sully groaned again, and said, “You’rekillingme.”
Eric tried to collect his ragged wits, tried to think of all of the ways he should explain things to someone who’d clearly never done this with a man before. “Do you have any preferences or—”
Sully shrugged. He looked ridiculous, his hair an insane bird’s nest, his mouth wet with spit and precome, his lips red and swollen. His dick slick and wet from where he’d been grasping it while Eric fucked his mouth.
“You’re the one with the experience,” he said. “I’m willing to learn new things.”
It turned out that Sully couldn’t shut up if his life depended on it. He couldn’t stop laughing when Eric slid one slicked-up finger inside of him, and when Eric said, “What the hell is so funny?” Sully said, “I’m just, uhhh, oh, thinking of prostate exams, how awkward it is, you know—” and Eric, who was at once so fucking horny it actually hurt him and so fucking in awe of Sully’s ability to just say anything that came into his head, said, “Well, I’m clearly not doing this the right way if you’re still thinking about that.”
It turned out that it took a little while and some careful stroking and a few more fingers before Eric said, “Are you still thinking about the doctor’s office?”
Sully, on his stomach on the bed, shifting restlessly against Eric’s sheets, his hands fisted in the blankets, managed, “What?”
“That’s what I thought,” Eric said, smugly.
By the time they were actually ready to attempt it, Sully was sweating, red-faced, the flush visible down his neck. “I’ve, uh—kind of done this before. Once. Shannon was trying to spice things up in the bedroom and I said I’d let her, but then I couldn’t stop laughing the whole time...”
Eric stared at him, disbelieving. It was just such a ridiculous thing to say, but there was Sully, his pupils huge and his hair insane and his body swaying into Eric’s, just talking and talking and talking like it wasn’t completely insane. He was just so fucking ridiculous. He was a Cup champion and an MVP and all of that stupid shit, and he was a divorced middle-aged man who had no idea what the fuck he was doing, and he had shown up at Eric’s door and basically begged Eric to fuck him. He had told Eric that he wantedhim. It was just—
“I’ll tell you what,” Eric said, pushing him over on the bed. “If you’re laughing likethatonce we get started, I’ll...” He didn’t know what to offer. They were already here, in bed, Sully was already on his hands and knees, waiting, while Eric fumbled around with the condom package. “It won’t be like that.”
“Okay,” Sully said, a little strangled, when he felt Eric pressing against him.
Eric couldn’t help touching him while he was doing it, tracing the lines of the muscle bunched along his shoulders and back, how tense he was, how warm his skin was. Learning the texture of it, the scrapes and scars he’d picked up from a lifetime of playing hockey.
“Relax,” Eric said, “come on. Just relax. Remember when I said I’d treat you nicely?”
Sully sounded startled when he laughed, a little puff of a chuckle that escaped before he could stop it. His head hung down and Eric rested his hand on his neck, right at the hairline. Sully said, “I’m fine. It’s fine.”
It was more than fine, actually. By the time Sully had relaxed enough that Eric felt comfortable moving on, it felt like they’d been frozen in place like that for an insanely long amount of time. He hadn’t really done this in a while; he’d been busy at the beginning of the season and then Sully had basically fallen into his lap. Sully, who was tense under his hands, who was waiting for something, as Eric shifted his hips, moving so slowly it was almost painful.
Underneath Eric’s body, Sully started shifting back against him, like he was testing how it felt, seeing what he could take.
“Shit,” Sully mumbled.
“Are you going to—to make me wait again?”
Eric thought about it, thought about drawing it out until Sully lost it and started trying to order him around again, frustrated and furious. It was an appealing thought, but if he didn’t start moving, he was going to explode, and not in a sexy way.
“No,” he said. “I’m not going to make you wait.”
He didn’t.
It took Sully a few minutes to get the rhythm of it, to relax enough to really let himself go, but once he did, Eric was a fucking goner. It was insane to feel the heat of Sully’s body, the strength of it underneath Eric’s, the way his shoulders and back and ass felt under Eric’s hands. He was making these noises whenever Eric thrust, half-incomprehensible words of encouragement and half-incoherent groans of appreciation.
For all of the competition they had coaching and on the ice, Sully was pretty fucking easy in bed, shuddered when Eric dug his teeth into his shoulder, moved his head when Eric yanked it at an angle to kiss.
It felt like forever; it couldn’t have really been that long. Eric could feel himself getting close, the drag up and down his spine, everything in him tightening. He pulled out and the noise of loss that Sully made almost ended him right then and there. He took a second to breathe through his nose, get himself under control, and pushed Sully back down on the bed, on his back. After everything they’d done, Sully was loose and relaxed enough that Eric could just push back in with a sigh, could watch as Sully’s eyes fluttered shut again.