Page 32 of Secret Spark
They leaned in. Sadie’s breath hitched in her throat. Joan’s lips were so warm. They captured Sadie’s, the pressure increasing from gentle, then more sure, then firm. Sadie glided her hands across Joan’s shoulders. Joan released a small sigh. Her fingers moved lower to Sadie’s hips.
She opened her mouth at Joan’s gentle prodding, moaning when their tongues touched. She explored the feel, the taste, the pulse of Joan Malone. Everything about her drew Sadie in, inching her closer until her chest mashed into Joan’s and her hands slid around to feel the band of Joan’s athletic bra through her shirt.
Joan kept the pace leisurely, swiping her tongue languidly across Sadie’s. A jolt of desire rocketed down her body, making her knees go weak.Whoa.Joan was such a good kisser, it was actually weak-in-the-knees good. Sadie sucked her tongue deeper and released a throaty groan.
Joan’s heat seeped into her like afternoon sunshine.So. Flippin’. Good.Her fingers bunched the skirt of Sadie’s dress, a clear sign she wanted to hitch it up and get underneath.
Despite the protesting in her head, Sadie drew back. Joan’s grip loosened. Sadie turned just enough to fish her keys out of her pocket and unlock the door. She grasped one of Joan’s hands and started leading her into the darkened apartment.
Joan hesitated, her captivating eyes bright amber. Sadie quirked her throbbing lips and murmured, “Come inside.”
“Oh, I, uh…”
No way was she misreading the situation. At least she didn’t think so from the way Joan appeared to be mentally undressing her. “Let’s continue this in private.”
“Believe me, I’d like to,” Joan said, almost painfully. “You’re, ah…” She reached up and skimmed her hand through Sadie’s hair. “You’re so gorgeous.”
Sadie pressed a lingering kiss on the back of Joan’s hand connected to hers. “I can’t stop looking at you. Can I see more of you?”
Joan closed her eyes for a moment. Then she gently extracted her hand. “Let’s take this a little bit slower. Get to know each other better.”
Oh. Okay. “Sure,” Sadie said. “If that’s what you want, of course. I didn’t mean wehadto do anything. You can just come in for a nightcap.”
A rueful smile tugged at Joan’s lips. Probably from the way Sadie had unintentionally saidnightcapall wink-wink, nudge-nudge.
“You’re great,” Joan said, sliding her hands in her pants pockets. “And you’re really sweet. I can’t wait for our next date.”
“Ditto,” Sadie assured her.
“I want to respect you. You deserve to be respected. So I’m gonna say goodnight now.”
Uhhh, thank you?“I respect your wishes, so…” She took a step closer. Joan met her halfway for a soft kiss. “Goodnight.”
“Sweet dreams,” Joan murmured.
“Oh, they’ll be more spicy than sweet.”
Joan laughed and kissed her again before moving away.
“Text me when you get home so I know you got in safe,” Sadie joked.
“I will.”
Joan slowly strolled to her place. Sadie’s gaze dropped to the tight ass inside those black skinny-leg trousers. The energy surrounding Joan seemed to fill the hallway, pulling at Sadie, taunting her.
Ugh, she had to go inside and deadbolt her door before she succumbed to it.
She sighed and melted onto her beige carpet, splaying her arms and legs. She was a little disappointed and woulddefinitelyneed to take care of the throbbing in her pink panties. But Joan liked her—respected her—enough to not rush things. She’d listened to and acknowledged Sadie saying she’d been too open too soon in the past.
Joan didn’t want to be like the others, but she was already nothing like them. A heroic person in real life as well as her, well, professional life.
Sadie’s phone vibrated in her pocket. A giddy grin stretched across her face as she wrestled with her skirt to retrieve it.
Made it home safe and sound.
Then another text appeared.
Today was perfect. Thanks for everything.