Page 77 of Secret Spark
“Can we get back to the real problem at hand?” Mark said. “Joanie still hasn’t told her special lady she’s not Catch.”
“Mark.” Joan glared at him. Damn her brother for telling Per the other night.
A low groan rolled out of Perry as he sat. “I can’t believe you didn’t set the record straight from the start.”
“Yeah, well, you weren’t there.”
Mark elbowed her a few times. “This is adeepcrush. It goesway, waydeep inside.”
“Gross, but yes.” Joan didn’t fight the smile tugging at her lips. “I’ve told her things I’ve never told anyone. How it sucks not being able to drink a cold drink unless I down it really fast. And how I melt shit. I actually told her I melt shit.”
Perry groaned louder.
“Buuuut you didn’t tell her that’s because your insides are a big pool of fire,” Mark said.
“I can’t or she’ll never want to see me again.”
“That’s not good,” Perry said. “You’re putting yourself at risk giving her so much information. You’ve known this woman for what, a week?”
“A couple of weeks.”
“That’s plenty of time.” Mark leaned toward her. “Perry’s straight. He doesn’t understand gay math.”
“Sadie gets me,” Joan insisted. “I get her. She’s open and honest and a total sweetheart.”
“Or a very good actor who’s trying to get something from you,” said Perry.
She rolled her eyes. “This is why I don’t tell you things. I finally meet a nice girl, and you think she’s a plant for the Supers. Dude, she thinks I’m Catch.”
“So she says.”
“Because I’ve been leading her to believe it. And it’s awful.” Before he could further rebuke her, Joan said, “I saved a dog in front of her. Oh, Mark, the dog looked just like Sprinkles.”
Mark set a hand on his heart. “Aww, Sprinkles.”
“I’m trying to have her see Villains aren’t all bad before I tell her the truth.”
“The only way you can prove yourself is to show her things like that. Prove you’re not an evil pile of shit.”
Joan met Perry’s displeased expression. “She’s really great. You’d like her. I want you to meet her if you promise to be on your best behavior.”
“She’s the real deal,” Mark said. “There’s a sweet honesty about her. There’s no faking how much she wants to dive into Joanie’s tight-ass pants.”
“She has a clear vision for her life. It feels really good to support each other’s dreams.”
“She’s already helping with the food truck planning.”
“Wait.” Joan flattened her palms on the tabletop. The solution was so obvious. “I can help her start her café. I’ve got the money. She wouldn’t have to pay me back. I could get her started on her dream, and we can get started on the food truck, and after I prove to her I’ve changed, I can explain how I used to be Spark, but?—”
“Joanie.” Perry shook his head. “You will always be Spark. Even if you’re not wearing the spandex and stealing cars?—”
“One car, one time!”
“That doesn’t mean you’re not going to have the abilities that make you Spark. It’s who you are. You can’t wish it away because you want to.”
He was right, damn it. But also, “I can make changes. I won’t use fire for bad things anymore.”
Perry raised his eyebrows. “What are you going to do when the real Catch is still out there? How will you explain that?”