Page 96 of Secret Spark
Another wave told her to empty her pockets. Then to turn around.
She moved as though being guided by an unseen force. A foul, acrid odor assaulted her nose. Someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth. Panic spiked through her.
She tried to yell and fight, but whoever it was held her tight. A woman in black and yellow stepped out from behind the dumpster and shot a bolt of lightning over Sadie’s head.
“Don’t even think about screaming,” she said.
Volt.And Sadie couldn’t see who was holding her.Hide.
Oh, no. Oh, shit. Was this because of?—
That wave of unbidden thought came again, instructing her to go with them. She walked out of the alley toward a black SUV. Everything inside her shouted to pull away and run, but she couldn’t. She was no longer in control.
Joan’s phone buzzed with an incoming text. Her heart skipped a beat as she sat up straight at the table in the warehouse lair. Maybe it was Sadie.
No, just Greta. Nice to hear from her, but still.
Got the word out you’re not with M. You’re welcome. Hang out when you’re done moping
That wasn’t happening anytime soon. Joan was turning moping into an art form.
Mark hunt-and-peck typed on his laptop. Menu ideas for Hot and Cold. What they were busying themselves with while laying low. It was no fun without Sadie’s enthusiasm and encouragement and her big brown eyes and beautiful smile and her low-cut shirts and?—
Another text popped up.
Her heart stopped.
A photo filled the screen. Sadie zip-tied to a tall metal pole on a flat rooftop, mouth covered with duct tape, eyes red and raw and filled with fear.
Words appeared below it. Not from her—from fucking Melvin.
I have something you want. Give me what I want.
“That fucker,” she ground out.
Mark looked up.
“Melvin has Sadie,” Joan said, her voice shaking with anger.
He swore under his breath and peered at her phone screen. “He didn’t have a bargaining chip, so he…”
Fiery rage surged through her. She stood so forcefully, her chair flipped. “He picked the wrong person to fuck with.”
Nobody messed with the people she cared about. Especially not the woman who’d captured her heart. She stalked toward their changing room, Mark on her heels.
“We’re going to the Supers.” Joan raked a hand through her hair. “Damn it, why didn’t we already do that?”
Mark didn’t say anything. Probably ’cause he could feel the fury radiating off her. Sadie was in danger, and terrified. Exactly what Joan had been worried about. She should’ve been more proactive about this Melvin thing.
This was all her fault.
“He better not hurt one hair on her head,” Joan growled.
“Hey, buddy.” Mark tugged her arm. “Let’s go in our civvies. If we bust in as Spark and Ice, they won’t listen to a word we say.”
“I’m fucking pissed. And scared for Sadie’s safety.”