Page 61 of Shattering Dawn
“Welcome to the wonderful world of paranormal investigation,the ideal career for psychics who can’t figure out any other semi-honest way to make a living with their talents.”
She glanced at him. “Don’t you find it frustrating?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“But you keep doing it.”
“My uncle would tell you that’s how it is with a sixth sense. There’s a need to use it. Not using it would be like going through life with gloves on so you couldn’t access your sense of touch.”
“Great. I’m a photographer who is stuck with a talent that lets me see things I can’t photograph. Just great.”
“You’ll find a way to use your new abilities.”
“Since when did you become Mr. Sunshine?”
“Maybe when I realized you weren’t going to go into a coma or freak out after I slammed you into a nightmare tonight? I have to tell you, a lot of people would have some serious qualms about getting anywhere near me after an experience like that.”
“Are you kidding? Thanks to you, I got some of my memories back.”
“Tell me about those memories.”
“I remembered the men who were waiting for Talia, Pallas, and me in the lobby. They grabbed us and injected us with some kind of knockout drug. One appeared to be a doctor or someone with medical training.” Amelia paused. “Maybe that was the man who died in room ten.”
“He signed himselfDr. S. Fulbrook, remember? In addition to him I think there were three others. Something about one of them was familiar. I got the feeling I should recognize him but I couldn’t get a clear vision.”
“Keep in mind that you were hallucinating, Amelia. Your mind was generating scenes from a dreamscape.”
“They were real memories,” she said. “I’m sure of it. What’s more, I’m almost positive that if I go back into the dream, there’s a good chance I’ll be able to see the face of the one who looked familiar. I’ll be prepared this time. I can focus on him.”
“The answer is still no. We can’t risk it. You might not come out of it this time.”
“You’re the one who claims that managing the psychic senses is a matter of control. You sent me into that nightmare once and you pulled me out of it. I don’t see any reason why you can’t do it again.”
He glanced at her, startled. “What do you mean I pulled you out of it? How did I do that?”
“You called my name, remember?”
“Your name,” he repeated. He shook his head. “I don’t understand.”
“There is a lot of power in names, Gideon.”
Chapter Thirty-four
“I’m telling you,this is a really bad idea,” Gideon said. He wheeled the SUV into the parking space behind the Cactus Garden Motel, braked to a sharp halt, shut down the engine, and turned in the seat. “You don’t know what you’re suggesting. You saw what I did to those men back there at the hotel.”
“Calm down and think about this,” Amelia said.
“Do not tell me to calm down. You’re the one who is going off the deep end here.”
“You said that handling our psychic senses is all about control.”
“Yes. Exactly.”
“Have you ever tried to put someone into a lucid dream? The kind of dream the dreamer controls?”
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”