Page 65 of Shattering Dawn
Gideon groaned. “I’m not some kind of dream therapist.”
“Maybe not professionally,” she said. “Not yet, at any rate. I realize you need some practice. But I’m happy to let you run a few experiments on me. I’m sure it won’t take you long to get the hang of it.”
“The hang of what? Helping people recover lost memories? I am not going down that road. Can you imagine the potential for lawsuits?”
“Oh. No, I hadn’t considered that angle.”
“I investigate certain kinds of crimes, Amelia. That’s what I do.”
“I understand,” she said. “I’m not suggesting that you give up your work as an investigator. But you might want to think about broadening your range, so to speak.”
“Right now, all I want to think about is you.”
A thrill swept through her. “Me?”
“Yes, you. I need to know why you were so certain I could pull you out of the trance.”
She winced. “So this is about you, not me.”
He frowned. “Now what? Are you pissed?”
She gave him a bright, shiny smile. “Who, me? Pissed? Why would I be pissed? Moving right along, the answer to your question is that I knew you could do it becauseyou did it accidentally back there in those freaking hotel ruins when you used my name.”
“Youarepissed. Why the hell are you mad at me?”
“Figure it out for yourself, Mr. Psychic Private Investigator.”
“I asked an honest question,” he said. “I’ve got a right to an honest answer.”
“No, you don’t have any rights. However, being the gracious person I am, I will give you an answer. Last night I deliberately let my ex-therapist think that I was on a real date. This morning at breakfast you indicated that you were attracted to me. Tonight my neighbor told me she assumed that you and I were hooking up. And then, a moment ago, you said ‘all I want to think about is you.’ Silly me, I thought maybe you meant it. That maybe we were at the start of something.”
Gideon did not move but his eyes gleamed with a little silver. “If I had meant it, how would you have responded?”
Another heady jolt of excitement lifted her senses.
“I ought to say it’s too soon,” she whispered. “We barely know each other. We don’t have anything in common except that we both happen to have some weird psychic talents. Also, we recently survived a life-and-death confrontation with some very bad people, so there’s probably a lot of excess adrenaline flooding our system. And maybe some other hormones, as well.”
“Are you actually going to say all that bullshit?”
“No.” She moved to stand directly in front of him and planted her hands on the front of his shirt. “It’s all true, but right now I don’t care.”
“Neither do I, because I wanted you that first day when you walked into my house and hired me. Before I knew you had a paranormal vibe. Before we survived the shoot-out tonight. Before the adrenaline rush.”
He meant it. She was certain of that. No, he hadn’t dated in a while, so that was probably a factor. Yes, he had made it clear he had problems with intimate relationships. But tonight she was sure he was telling her the truth. He wanted her. Maybe that was enough. For now.
The tide of heat swept back in, stronger than ever. She was shivering, but not with panic. This was what true sexual desire felt like. Talk about an enlightening moment. She had never experienced anything like this intoxicating anticipation; this sweet, aching hunger.
She clenched the fabric of his shirt in her fists. “I want you, too.”
Gideon leaned his cane against the table, braced his injured leg against the bed, and wrapped his arms around her. His mouth came down on hers in a kiss she sensed he intended to be a controlled burn. But they were both already smoldering. The physical contact sparked a wildfire.
She got the front of Gideon’s shirt open and off. He struggled with her sweatshirt. She froze when she heard him draw a sharp breath.
“Your leg,” she said, suddenly anxious.
“Forget my leg.”
“All right, if you’re sure.”