Page 79 of Shattering Dawn
“It’s on my phone.” Irene pulled up the address and read it to Gideon. When she was finished she looked up. “Are you going to notify the police?”
“Yes,” Gideon said.
Irene looked resigned. “They’ll want to talk to me, won’t they?”
“Not if he’s legit,” Gideon said. “If he really is undercover, there will be fail-safes in place in the system designed to protect him.”
Irene shivered and put down her mug. “I hope he was telling me the truth. Even if I never see him again, I prefer to think that he was one of the good guys. Or maybe I just don’t want to think I was dumb enough to believe his story.”
At the doorIrene paused and looked at Amelia. “I almost forgot—your ex-therapist came by looking for you.”
“Yes, I know,” Amelia said. “He called while I was in Lucent Springs and told me he had come here to see if I was okay.”
Irene snorted. “I heard him on the stairs. He pounded on your door a few times and then gave up and left. I gotta tell you, I neverknew a therapist who made house calls, especially not without an appointment. It’s almost like he’s stalking you.”
Amelia winced. “I don’t think that’s the situation, but I agree, it’s getting a little weird.”
“See you later. Maybe do drinks? I could use a few.”
“Sounds good,” Amelia said.
Irene went down the outdoor walkway and disappeared into her apartment. Amelia closed the door, locked the three locks, and went around the corner into the living room. She looked at Gideon.
“Are you really going to call the police?” she asked.
“Maybe,” Gideon said. “Depends on what I find at that address Irene gave me.”
“So that’s where we’re going next? Falcon’s rental?”
“It’s where I’m going next. You are staying here.”
“Because I don’t know what I’ll find there and I don’t want to have to worry about keeping you safe while I’m finding it. If it turns out I need your night vision I’ll come back here and get you.”
“You’re going to break in to Falcon’s place, aren’t you?” she said.
“Depends on how things look, but, yes, I’d like to get inside if possible.”
“I could be your lookout.”
Gideon sighed. “Amelia—”
“I know where you’re coming from, but here’s your problem: you said I shouldn’t be left alone until we know for sure I’m no longer in need of a bodyguard.”
“I’m not going to leave you alone. I’ll get a babysitter to keep an eye on you.”
“Uncle Shelton.”
“You’re going to leave me in the care of the mad scientist in the family?”
“Uncle Shelton has had what most people would call a checkered career. The result is that he has a variety of skill sets.”
Chapter Forty-five