Page 32 of Heat Transfer
This was a recipe for blue balls.
I yanked off my shirt, needing to get the sodden fabric off my skin.
“Finished so soon, Brannon?” Felix teased.
I arched an eyebrow as I plopped my ass on the ground and chugged some of my water. I tipped the bottle back and drank gulp after gulp, trying to make up for everything I’d sweated out.
He dropped beside me and placed his sword next to him. “Damn, no one warned me I was getting a free show.”
I was in the middle of wiping my mouth with my forearm when I realized the scorching way he scanned over me. Fuuuuck.
“You can’t do this to me,” I hissed, keeping my voice quiet.
“Do what?” he asked innocently.
“I’ve got a family dinner to go to after this.” I speared my fingers through my sweaty strands. “And I can’t show up like…that.” I didn’t gesture toward my cock, but Felix’s gaze trailed there anyway. And the traitorous fucker plumped up for him too, like a Pavlovian response.
“And you didn’t invite me?” Felix placed a hand over his chest in feigned shock.
My heart stumbled over itself. The words leaped to my lips before I could reel them back. “If you wanted to join…”
He glanced up, all the teasing and flirting melting away. Just pure softness shining in those gorgeous brown eyes. “Yeah, sign me up.”
“Assholes, what are you doing lying around?” Regina broke the moment. “Everyone else already put away their equipment.”
I heaved a sigh, not wanting to move from the grass and this spot by Felix’s side. I glanced at him. “Do you want me to drive you to dinner?”
“You’re just trying to leave me without a mode of escape if your family’s too crazy.” He hopped up, dusted his knees, and grabbed his practice sword from the grass.
“Guilty,” I said, my heart thudding a little harder. “But also because I don’t mind the drive. I can take you back tonight.”
“Only if that means you’re staying over.”
My pulse pounded so hard I didn’t register anything else except his words. Felix was flipping every expectation I’d ever entertained, and I wasn’t sad about it in the slightest. Even if I waited for the rug to get pulled out from under me. “As long asyou’re willing to share your bed again.” My voice came out lower than intended, husky with the desire I barely pinned back.
Felix licked his lips, his eyes flaring with lust. “You’ll be lucky if we make it out of the bed.”
Oh, fuck.
Chapter twelve
The drive over was a discussion about the Flyers’ season so far. I’d managed to secure us tickets for the game next weekend, and I couldn’t wait. However, the closer we got to Kennett Square, the more my nerves buzzed. The first time I’d met his family, I had a blast pretending we were together, teasing Cor, and observing chaos.
But now I actually gave a fuck if they liked me. Not like they knew I’d slept with their son, but my intentions with him had changed. I wasn’t curious anymore. No, I wanted to see what destination this train chugged toward. Was I ready to leap headfirst into another relationship? Not quite because I still adjusted to the fact that I was bisexual, but I also didn’t want to stop whatever was going on between Cor and me.
Maybe not the bravest response, but hell, a few weeks back, I’d been licking my wounds over Aria dumping me.
“So, what seats did you get us? How much do I owe you?” Cor asked.
Watching him drive was porn, with the way sweat still glued his shirt to his chest and his forearms tensed with each motion. His brows were drawn together in concentration, the same focus when he was jacking us off—or frotting, as I’d learned one internet search later.
“Uh, nothing. This date is on me,” I said, crossing my arms.
“Ah, all part of your fake boyfriend duties,” Cor said, his voice wan but amused.
“Look, I can’t have your family thinking I’m some slouch.” I responded. Gratitude flushed through me that he wasn’t pushing for answers. That he allowed us to feel out this connection without labels.