Page 55 of Heat Transfer
“About two hours. I just startedThe Mummy.”
He moved away from me and grabbed the paper bag of now-cold burgers. “I’m fucking starving. Sorry for sleeping that long.”
“Pass me one.” I reached out with a hand and readjusted my seat, my legs protesting after being locked in one position for so long. Not like I gave a damn. Every second I got to hold Felix had been fucking worth it. Felix handed me the wrapped burger, and he hunched over to tear ravenously into his. I didn’t even care that the deliciousness of the meal had faded. My stomach was furious for sustenance. I inhaled the burger and snagged a few of the napkins I’d packed to wipe the grease off my hands.
Felix did the same, having already scarfed down his. “So I’ve got energy again, and I’m feeling a hell of a lot better. You said you had something in mind?” The spark in his eyes had returned, and that zapped through my bloodstream like pure epinephrine.
“Yeah.” My heart thumped hard. Ever since Felix and I had started hooking up, an idea had crept its way into my brain and hadn’t let go. “You up for a short drive?”
“Well, now I’m damned curious.” His grin widened, a devilishness to it that made me want to surrender to him every damn time. Maybe at some point I’d be interested in topping him, but right now, I enjoyed this wave of bottoming and didn’t want to change things up yet.
“Come on. Let’s go.” I pushed up from the couch and grabbed my keys and wallet. As we stepped out into the night, the realization cascaded over me. We might’ve entered here uncertain of our relationship, but we were leaving my house…together.
I glanced back to him as we neared my car. “So, I know we didn’t discuss terms or anything…”
“We’ve already been calling each other boyfriends, Cor. We’re just catching up to speed, that’s all.” Felix flashed me a charming-as-fuck grin, and my heart skipped a beat. His black curls were tousled, his dark eyes animated, and his lithe frame emanated a coiled energy I was addicted to.
I nodded and got into the driver’s seat. Once Felix buckled in, I set off. The drive was barely long enough for a song to play on the radio before the all too familiar sign for Anson B. Nixon Park came into view. I’d grown up in Kennett, so I knew every square inch of this park, and I’d long held a fantasy of hooking up with a guy here. Given Felix’s adventurousness, I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else.
“Fuck yes,” Felix said. “God, I love your mind.”
“How do you know what I’m thinking?” I put the car in park at the barren lot. “Maybe I’m just finding a spot to fuck in the car.”
“Look, I’d be fine with that as long as I get to tap that ass,” Felix said, his smooth-as-sin voice such a turn-on. “I just want to sink inside you tonight. I need it.” The slight ragged edge to those words struck me square in the chest. As much as Felix put on the bravado, the seizure had put him on uneven footing.
“I need it too,” I admitted. Seeing him spasm on the floor uncontrollably had summoned a bone-deep need for closeness with him. “But I’d rather you fuck me at the bridge tonight.”
“Only if you’re comfortable with me taking my time,” he said. “Unless we’re interrupted.”
A thrill shot through me. We were doing this, and there was no one else on earth I’d rather take risks with. “What are we waiting for?” With that, I cracked the door open and hopped out of my car.
The brisk air swirled around me, but inside, I burned up. The semi in my slacks grew with the mixture of anticipation and sheer lust that being with Felix summoned.
I hadn’t gone a few paces before Felix stepped beside me and intertwined his hand in mine. He’d been doing it from the start of our fake dating schtick, but now…it was real. I didn’t have lingering questions as to what this meant anymore, and the exhilaration that came with it was unparalleled.
“Lead the way.” He stood on his tiptoes and pressed a kiss on my cheek.
Butterflies exploded in my chest. I started toward the trails, which I’d parked close to. In the tangle of the woods, we could get lost in each other’s bodies with no interruptions. The canopy of the trees cast us in deeper shadows, a subsequent chill following, but none came close to touching me. Not with the light and warmth that walking hand in hand with my boyfriend brought me.
That singular thrill rose all over again.
Felix was mine.
I’d thought it would be an impossibility, just some wild, farfetched dream, but somehow, we’d collided together in a way that was perfectly us.
The crisp autumn leaves crunched underfoot, and the slivers of the path illuminated by the moonlight sent a shiver downmy spine. I could travel these trails blindfolded, but there was a sense of adventure, of the forbidden at being here after hours with Felix. At the awareness of the filthy things he was about to do to me.
“You know, there could be an ax murderer in these woods,” Felix stage-whispered.
I thwacked him in the side. “Are you that desperate to be watched?”
He snorted. “Truth be told, I’m just desperate to get my hands on you.” He let go of my hand and squeezed my ass, and my erection grew rock-fucking-hard. Hell, everything this man did was a damn turn-on.
Up ahead, the wooden bridge stretched into view, the quiet babble of the brook threading my way.
“Come here.” Felix walked past me to the bridge and waited by the entrance. His stance was steady, and his arms crossed as he watched me approach with a cocky grin on his lips. This was what we both needed tonight—for him to be back in control.
When I got close enough, he grabbed my hand, dragged me over to him, and crowded me against the bridge so my ass rested against the side. He pressed his lips to mine. There wasn’t a single sweet thing about this kiss. No, it was as dark as the surrounding night and filthy in a way that set my adrenaline pumping. He slid his hands around my waistband and undid my belt with a jangle that echoed through the resounding quiet. The zipper of my jeans followed, and he yanked my pants down.