Page 1 of Visions of Darkness
“Gather around, children.”
They stilled where they had chased each other on the lush grasses beneath the soaring tree at the edge of the meadow, and the boy with the palest gray eyes took the little girl’s hand. She held on tight as he led her to where Ellis waited near the stream that wove through the sanctuary. It was the sanctuary she came to each night when she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
The head of their family, their teacher and guide, stood before them. His face was weathered and aged, though his eyes were tender as he watched over them where they came to sit at his feet.
A breeze whispered through, the perfect temperature caressing their cheeks as Ellis moved forward and tapped his fingertips over each of their foreheads. His voice was low when he spoke. “Open your ears and your hearts, little children. Remember, you are a Laven. A gift given by Valeen. The Eternal One. You have been chosen for this calling. One that you soon will learn is both a blessing and a curse.”
The little girl closed her eyes as she listened to the same words Ellis instructed each night, trying to take them deep into her heart.
“As a Laven, each of you have a Nol ...,” he drew out on a soft breath.
She couldn’t help but peek to the side at the boy who was hers.
“They are the one your soul picks to stand by your side. By yourself, you are strong, but together, you are a force that can overcome the wicked ones, the Kruen who rule over Faydor.”
Her stomach twisted as she thought of the Kruen she had yet to see. She was not permitted until she reached sixteen, the age of maturity for a Laven, and she sat still, her attention rapt on his words as she prepared for what was to come.
“Kruen are darkness manifested in spirit form to whisper all sins and calamities into the world, the offspring of Kreed, the malevolent, the one who betrayed our Valeen. You, my children, will one day have to bear the weight of their evils.”
The boy tightened his hold on her hand the way he always did, his promise that when the time came, they would go through it together.
“Remember, you are unlike others,” Ellis continued. “It will be a life of pain. One of burden and sacrifice. But take heart, young ones. You are Laven. Called to this fight for the good of man. Until then, rest here in paradise and know you are special. You are the chosen.”
Chapter One
Darkness spread over the barren wasteland. A bare glow at the edge of Faydor was the only light to guide her way as she tracked over the hard, frozen ground. Her breaths were salient as she panted around the frigid air that filled her lungs, and blood crashed through her veins as she searched through the eternal night.
Her and Pax’s footsteps pounded in her ears as they ran headlong through the heavy vapor that snaked over the lifeless ground and curled around the wiry, leafless elms.
Lightning cracked across the low-hung canopy, a streak of sin and perversion.
Hisses of iniquity filled their ears, the whispers of the Kruen casting their evils into any willing mind.
She and Pax tracked one, refusing to allow its escape.
“Do not slow,” Pax urged as he tugged at her hand, encouraging her to push harder as they ran over the barren terrain, through the vapors and mist that whispered of evil.
Voices intoned the unthinkable, and the sound of wickedness and atrocities cut through her spirit like blades.
Chasing the dark shadow that fled, she refused the exhaustion and drove herself into the fog that sought to suffocate. It wisped around the jagged rocks and streaked through the desolation.
She and Pax closed in on the vapid shadow that writhed and thrashed.
The Kruen started to take new shape, morphing from smoke and manifesting as whole as it reared up to stare back at them, exposing the horror of its features.
Its face was pitted and gnarled by the atrocities of its mind.
Its skin was charred and black, its body made of a thousand spindly limbs.
Red fury sped beneath its seared flesh, a visible evil that coursed through its veins.
She wanted to weep when she saw its thoughts.
She reached inside herself for the power she’d been given, harnessed it until it was a vibrating orb of intensity she could no longer contain, then projected the light outward.