Page 32 of The Blood Wolf
Nicola wiped a nervous hand down the thick black velvet of her dress. It was heavy with the golden design of Thor's insignia on the front of it. Astrid had braided Nicola's long hair into an elaborate crown, and Thor had placed a thick golden torc around her throat.
"You look good enough to eat, little wolf," Thor whispered in her ear.
"Eat me later when I'm not about to go and stand in front of a room full of Blood Lords," she whispered back.
They were waiting to be summoned, and even Thor had found some black dress pants and a button-down shirt. It was about as fancy as he got, and he only suffered through it because he wanted the vampires to know how serious he was. Nicola held onto his arm and was suddenly glad of all the horrible etiquette lessons her father had made her attend.
It had been two days since the fight with Kaleb and his pack, and Inferno was now buzzing with the scandal. They had learned that a part of his pack hadn't turned up to the fight at all. Led by Stephen, twenty members had gone to the vampires to tell them what Kaleb was planning.
Nicola's suspicions that many hadn't known what Kaleb was doing held true. Stephen had waited until Kaleb was busy before he had gone to see the vampire council. That action was the only thing that saved them, but the vampire and wolf peace agreement was in tatters.
It hadn't surprised Thor when they received a summons from Claudius to attend a special meeting to discuss what they were going to do about the whole mess.
Now, they had been kept waiting for twenty minutes.
"It's going to be okay, Nicola," Thor said and kissed her neck.
"What if they say you can't be with a wolf because you are a Blood Lord?" she replied and tried not to fidget with her dress again.
"Then I won't be a Blood Lord anymore. I never wanted to be one to begin with," Thor said and smiled viciously. "They also know exactly what will happen if they try and take you from me. I'll make what I did in Constantinople look like a good day."
The knot in Nicola's stomach loosened. "Would it be really inappropriate for me to kiss you right now, Thorfinn? Because I want to."
"My mate always gets what she wants," Thor said, drawing her close and kissing her worries away.
It was at that moment that the council doors opened.
"Forgive the interruption, but we are ready for you," a tall vampire said, making Nicola break off the kiss. She wiped the lipstick smear she had left on Thor's smirking lips.
Thor held her hand tightly and led her into the imposing chamber filled with the most powerful vampires in the world. They stopped in front of Claudius and waited. Nicola didn't know if she should bow or not. Thor remained standing, so she did the same. She tried hard not to think of what she and Thor had done in Claudius's limo either.
"Lord Thor, the Blood Lords and I have gone over all the information you provided on Kaleb Pateras and his pack. We have also reviewed the claims of Nicola Markides and their treatment of her. With the crimes stacked against Kaleb Pateras, we find your use of lethal force to protect your territory and the vampire peace within your rights, and that you were in no breach of the agreement we have with the Founding Families or the wolves," Claudius said, his tone solemn. "As for you, Ms. Markides, the Blood Lords have requested that you perform a service for us."
"My bride has been through enough," Thor growled.
"She is not your bride yet, and because she is a wolf, there must be a special request submitted in order to turn her into a vampire," Claudius said, his tone sharp. "For now, we accept that she is your mate. If she sees through the job we ask of her, then your application to turn her will carry my own recommendation."
Nicola squeezed Thor's hand before he told them all to go fuck themselves. "And what job would I be doing for the council, Lord Claudius?"
"You will act as an emissary to help build the trust between the wolves and the vampires once more. You are in a unique position to understand both creatures without the usual prejudices," Claudius said, looking down his nose at her from his high stand. "Do you accept?"
"I do," Nicola replied, lifting her chin. "But I'm staying with Thor whether you all like it or not."
"None of us would dream of trying to separate you from your mate. We have seen how well Lord Thor responds to people trying to take his things," Claudius said, a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth.
"You will pay her a good wage for her services too," Thor grumbled and led Nicola to his official chair amongst theassembly of vampires. Despite pointing out that her status as his bride hadn't been approved, an extra chair carved with his insignia was placed beside his.
Nicola sat patiently through the rest of the meeting while Thor struggled to stay awake. She was nodding off with him when Claudius banged a hammer and said that the meeting was over.
"Finally," Thor said and ran a hand over his face. "Let's go home. I need to get you out of that dress."
"Hello!" a chirpy voice said, and a woman with a sunny smile and blonde hair came to join them. "Lord Thor, you are wanted by Lord Mercury and Lord Volso. I'll look after your lovely new mate."
"But..." Thor began. The woman ignored him and looped her arm through Nicola's, leading her away.
"Come with me if you want to live," she whispered with a devilish wink. A tall woman with dark hair stood on the other side of the first woman, trying to suppress her laughter.