Page 12 of Coach Sully
I look down at the energy bar peeking out of my purse—my lunch, if I remember to actually eat it.
*eyeroll emoji* Yes daddy.
Goddamn girl…
I’ve gotta step into a meeting. Talk later.
Right on time, Pierce Haldermann, one of the production company executives—my boss—enters my office, and I tuck my phone aside. He sits down in front of me and breaks the news. News I don’t want to hear. Apparently, this show was riding on Lee Sullivan’s cooperation more than I anticipated.
“If he won’t do the show, the network doesn’t want it. You told us you could get him.”
I may have implied he was an easy get when I thought I could talk him into it.
“Pierce. I sat with him for three hours. I tried. He’s hard set on not doing it.”
There’s a strict no-fraternization policy. For once, I’m okay with the roadblock. It means I get to keep him all to myself. I’m careful not to share any of that information.
“I’m sorry, the intel I had told me he was in. I’ve got a backup, though. I spoke with Paul Heitz’s agent this morning, and he seems enthusiastic and wants to sit down for a meeting. He was last year’s MVP, he’s attractive, women love him. We can make it work.”
Pierce shakes his head. “The network wants Lee Sullivan. Here’s the thing, women’s hockey is becoming a thing—a big thing—and the local sports network has chosen to sponsor one of the teams. This is confidential, but we’re going to be partnering with the Minnesota PWHL team, and they want him to help boost viewership—”
Are they serious?
“I’m sorry…” I shake my head and flail my arms, trying to make sense of this. “The network wants to promote women’s hockey—a historic moment for women’s sports, mind you—with a fuckingdating show?” My voice is a little screechy, but I’m pissed on principle. “Not only a dating show, but a dating show wherewomencompete for aman’s attention?” This has to be a joke. I can look past a lot of shit in the television industry, but this is insulting.
“I know, the irony isn’t lost on us either. But I don’t need to explain to you that television isn’t about dating or women’s history, it’s about advertising. There’s a big opportunity for crossover between female viewership of dating shows and women’s sports. When Taylor Swift started dating Travis Kelce,she generated an additional 331.5 million dollars in brand value for the NFL.”
“Yeah, because she’sTaylor-fucking-Swift. We’re talking about Lee Sullivan.” The guy’s a catch, but let’s be realistic, there’s no comparison.
“The research they’ve done is positive.”Research?How long has this been underway? “We’re looking at a large increase in revenue for the PWHL, primarily, the Minnesota team. As their sponsor, they want to see it succeed. Lee Sullivan was born and raised here. He has ties to the Lakes NHL team. The network wants him. He’s their golden boy.”
“And what makes them think they can get him to agree? I told you, he’s not going to give in.”
Pierce looks around and gently closes my office door.
“They’re willing to offer him the head coach position.”
Oh my God.
My heart drops to the floor. It’s selfish, I know it is, but I’m not ready to give him up so easily, not while I’m still sore from our night together. Sully and I just met, but, damn, last night was incredible. If they offer him the coaching spot, he’s got to take it. Iwanthim to take it, he told me himself how much he missed the sport. This is great for him… but filming him date women—women who aren’t me—isn’t my idea of fun. I don’t look forward to filming his confessionals, don’t want to ask him which women he’s most attracted to and who he can see himself with for the rest of his life. I’d rather perform my own root canal.
“So this is their answer?! Dangle a hot hockey coach so women buy tickets? You think women won’t be supporting women’s hockey without a man?” The narrative is disgusting.
“Sports fans will be buying tickets, they want to capitalize on a larger fan base, viewers who don’t watch sports. They have chosen to convert the show into a docuseries. Coveringhim coaching and navigating the dating world. They’re calling itScoring with Sully.”
What a stupid name. I can’t believe this is happening.
Well, there goes all the progress I’ve made.Love Algorithmis just another show to slip through my fingers. “So we’re just cutting the AI and losing our investment?” I take a deep breath. Whining will not help. “So, what do you want me to do, Pierce?” I snap.
“Look, I know you’re upset. I don’t blame you. It’s not the first time you’ve been given a show only to have it pulled last minute.”
“Yeah, it’s the third time.” That’s not the only reason I’m irritated. I’ve been possessive over career opportunities, but my current possessiveness is personal. But this is good for him. He’s been wanting to coach hockey. Our relationship isn’t even a relationship yet, it’s a morning-after. I’d never stand in the way of such a great opportunity; it wouldn’t be fair to either of us.
“I’m sorry, Kendra. It’s bullshit, I get it. But we both know how fast things change. It’s part of being a producer. This is something you’ll have to adapt to if you plan to make it. Your time will come, I promise. We’re meeting with Lee and his agent tomorrow afternoon to drop the offer and make negotiations. Would you like to attend?”
“Wait, he doesn’t even know yet?”