Page 24 of Coach Sully
“Just wanted to know if I can bring you a drink or grab you something to eat…” Their voice is barely above a squeak.
I shake my head. “No, I’m fine, thank you.” When I glance back down, Kendra is storming away from the guy.Shit.
“Wait!” When I spin, the catering staffer is practically at my feet, eager to earn a tip. I wave her closer to me and point down toward the arena at Kendra. “Do you see that woman in the long orange dress, one shoulder, curly black hair, all done up?”
“She’s my producer,” I explain. “I’m supposed to be meeting with her, but…” I glance over and snatch up one of the VIP lanyards someone ditched in the seat next to me. “She forgot her credentials.” I lie. “Could you bring this to her and make sure she finds her way up to the box?”
“I’m really not supposed to leave…”
I dig out my wallet, grab a couple of bills, and stuff them into her hand.
She looks around, then scurries off, and I turn back to the view below. Kendra’s helping some of the camera crew pack up their gear. I pray she stays there long enough for my little catering friend to find her. I shoot off a text to Kendra, telling her to come find me, but with as loud as it probably is down there, I’m sure she can’t hear her phone.
So I plop down in my seat and wait.
Whit side-eyes me. “Wanna tell me what that’s all about?”
“I really was supposed to meet with her.” I shrug.
“You gave that kid my VIP lanyard,” he says, calling me out.
“Saw some guy bothering her.”
He huffs. “These events are always full of assholes.”
I nod. “Speaking of assholes, what the hell happened with Jonathan earlier? I know we haven’t worked together long, but we’ve shared the ice before, and I’ve never seen you jump on somebody that quick.” I don’t mention it seemed personal.
He raises his shoulders. “He was a dick. Jonathan needed to be made an example of.”
“Well, I think your point got across.”
“Good.” His answer is short and sweet before he stands. “I’m gonna get another drink.”
Seconds later, Kendra takes the open seat, and her normally bright, bubbly, and outgoing personality is detached.
While taking her in, all I can muster is “Hey.”
She looks stunning tonight. I feel like a prick when she catches me checking her out. I summoned her, but now that she’s next to me, I’m too dumbfounded by her beauty to string a sentence together. Instead, I turn around and offer an appreciative wave to the helpful catering staff member who tracked her down.
“Hey yourself,” she mutters. “Thanks for… this.” She waves the VIP lanyard and sets it down on the table. “Were you spying on me?”
I narrow my eyes. “Does it really constitute spying if I’m not secretive about it?”
“I suppose not… Well, congratulations on a fantastic player roster. How are you feeling about everything?”
Her hands are still slightly trembling. “When was the last time you ate?”
“I had a protein—”
Always with the protein bars. She probably forgot to eat with everything going on. I stand. “I’ll be right back.”
I stray over to the catering tables with way too much food and fill a couple plates with a smattering of everything. I’m not sure what she likes or doesn’t like. When I return, I set it in front of her.
“I’m not hungry.”
I sigh. “Don’t argue with me.” I know she probably hasn’t eaten anything that doesn’t come in a wrapper or fast-food bag.