Page 32 of Coach Sully
The practice consists mostly of passing drills, a few plays, and Sully passing pucks to each player while they take shots on goal. What I would give to be the whistle in his mouth. Feeling dizzy, I sit down and dig around in my bag for one of my energy bars, but as soon as I unwrap it, the nausea is back and I want to throw up. “I’m gonna grab some water.”
I head back to the locker room and throw away what was supposed to be my lunch, then splash some water on my face and sit for a second. I need to pull myself together. What is up with my body today? After a few minutes, the sound of stomping is heard in the hallway, and the women flood back into the locker room, followed by Sully.
He gives a summary on what he wants the players to work on and what they’re doing well. The girls stay in their gear until he leaves, then they undress.
“First practice, we gotta celebrate!” Joey says, grabbing a can of beer, smashing it on the back of her skate, and shotgunning it.Did she bring that from home?Uff. That sounds absolutely awful.
“Girl, you better not let staff see you,” Timber says.
Delta turns her back. “I didn’t see anything, but Joey, you better wait for the fucking bar next time. I’m not getting fined because of your wily ass.”
“Whoa, Kendra. You okay?” Cori asks.
Shit.“I’m great! Sorry, just a little tired. I was up too late getting prepped for today. I’m going to grab some coffee after this. I need to get on Joey’s level.” I laugh it off. “It was awesome watching you all practice today, thanks for letting us film.”
“You bet. See you at the next one?”
“Definitely.” I wave goodbye, thengrab my bag and head out. A nap is on my agenda. I can’t be coming down with something right as filming begins. All in all, I feel positive after today. We captured some great content, and the players are fun and entertaining and will be great to splice into the show.
The day at the arena was great, we captured excellent footage. Even though I was fighting off a stomach bug, I still had fun. It was one of those days that reminded me why I love this job so much. But now, while watching him stare into another woman’s eyes, I’d rather take a cooking class from Jeffrey Dahmer.Dissociate from the subject matter. I cloak the jealousy with my producer mask and shut down my attraction to him. I’m here to do a job. The time he and I had is over. Focusing on my goals should be my only priority. I’m young, and now’s the time to grind and prove I’ve got what it takes to get my own show. My love story will come, but for now, his is more important.
Today’s shoot isn’t going well. He’s uncomfortable, and it makes me feel terrible. It’s rare to film someone so uninterested in being in the spotlight. Most unscripted cast members can’t wait to get their fifteen minutes. Sully continues to look in ourdirection. We need to get out of his line of sight and away from their table.
“Let’s pull the camera’s back,” I say into my headset. His body language tells me he’s feeling cramped. We’ve got both of them mic’d up. We can add subtitles later and get a zoom shot from a distance. “They’re too stiff, let’s give them a little privacy.”
“Thanks, Kendra,” he says. His eyes are apologetic, but I give him an encouraging smile. “You’re doing great!”
The beautiful brunette across from him smiles in our direction. “Sorry, I’m not doing a good enough job at distracting him.” She laughs. “I think we might need more wine.” She holds up the bottle in my direction. One of the production assistants, Rachel, hustles over to the bar and gets a new one sent to their table.
Should have had her grab me a bottle too.
“It takes a little getting used to. Totally normal to have some first-date awkwardness. No worries. Just focus on each other.” I try to hype them up. This is histhirdfirst date. I thought that last one would get a second date, but maybe third time’s the charm.
Staying in the hotel with him that night was a bad idea. I think Rachel had a spare bed, I could have crashed with her. Butno, I had to stay up almost all night with him talking and joking and discovering how great we are together. We bonded, and it was more intimate than any sex could have been. It went so much deeper than physical attraction. It laid a fucking foundation.
But, ugh, the sex. The sex is so good too.
My thighs clench at the memories. Before Sully, I’d only ever slept with guys my age. The only time I’d get off—ifI got off—was during foreplay and usually after a lot of instruction. When it was time to have sex, it consisted of them rutting into me at the same pace for five minutes, or however long it took them toblow their load. Hands were shaky, every touch was cautious. It’s not their fault, they simply don’t have the experience yet. They’re boys.
Not Sully.
He knows exactly what he wants and doesn’t hesitate to take it.Hard. He goes after it like a predator stalks their prey. He earns theDaddytitle. When I’m with him, he dominates me, tosses me around like I weigh as much as a loaf of bread, and whispers dirty things in my ear until my mind goes blank. I’ve been sleeping with boys all these years, but what I needed was to be fucked by a man, by Sully.
Having sex with that man altered my brain chemistry. I don’t know if I’ll be able to date in my own age bracket ever again. Maybe it’s time to find my own date, someone older and more experienced. Maybe it’s not Sully, maybe it’s older men.
Shaking the thought from my head, I focus on our shot. I wonder if we’ll be filming him taking a date home. Candace is funny, sweet, and intelligent. The other men in the restaurant haven’t taken their eyes off her. She’s beautiful. However, I can tell he’s got a wall up. He’s friendly with her. Laughs and makes jokes when he’s supposed to. But it’s all surface level, like he’s going through the motions. That doesn’t stop my mind from imagining him with her. Him grabbing her body the way he grabbed mine. Kissing her the way he kissed me. My thoughts are interrupted by Candace’s laughter.
She whispers something to him, and the mic didn’t pick it up well. The editing team will decipher it later. I’m not sure what she said, but the way she’s looking at him with fuck-me eyes tells me it was suggestive.
He chuckles and looks down to his food, nodding and slicing into his steak. He pops the bite into his mouth and leans back in his chair while he chews. They aren’t saying anything, just staring at each other. It’s exactly the footage we want and fullof sexual tension. They’re having a conversation with each other without even saying a word. We’ve reached the point where he’s forgotten about the cameras.
Forgotten about me.
I swallow, immediately feeling sick to my stomach, then ask Rachel if she can run out to the van and grab me the antacids from my bag. She nods and heads toward the exit. All of the food aromas are blending together. I’m not sure what it is, but I find the smell offensive and overpowering. I don’t know if we’re under some vent or something, but the scent is repulsive, and I need to find a bathroom.
“Be right back.”
I hurry to the restroom and immediately heave. Despite not eating today, my body is determined to empty its contents. What the hell is wrong with me? I lean against the wall and take a few deep breaths.