Page 70 of Coach Sully
“You’re going to the sin bin.”
I point to the penalty box. “Because you’re not wearing a helmet and those pucks are flying through the air around eighty miles per hour. Go.” Not to mention, hockey benches are fucking disgusting. Full of spit and who knows what else.
She rolls her eyes and reluctantly enters the penalty box next to the bench. I make a mental note to have a better chair put in there for her. She doesn’t want me fussing over her, but there’s only so much control I have regarding her comfort. I enjoy taking care of her. Especially now that she’s pregnant with my child. The next few months will test my self-restraint like no other.
Whit’s voice has me spinning around, the curious flicker in his eyes tells me he’s been watching my interaction with Kendra for the last few minutes. The way I smile when I’m around her probably makes it look pretty flirty.
“A word?”
I nod and skate to the home bench where he’s standing. He nods toward Kendra. “How’s the show going?”
With my most casual shrug, I glance back at her before responding, “Meh. Not my favorite thing, but it’s getting easier to deal with.”
He nods. “That’s good to hear. I’m sure you know there’s a lot riding on this production. A lot of money exchanging hands—money this team needs.” His stare conveys his message more than his words do. He’s telling me not to fuck this up.
I nod. “Got it.”
“It’s unfair to put it all on your shoulders, but having a corporate sponsor could make or break our success this season. This show is critical.”
Somehow, I hold back my eyeroll. I understand what he’s telling me, but damn, I look forward to the day this show doesn’t matter. When flirting with Kendra in public won’t draw attention and my only job is coaching this incredible team and taking us to the finals.
26 weeks pregnant
He kneels on the floor in front of me, cupping my foot in his hand as I squirm a little on the edge of the bed.
“Hold still,” he says, grinning wider. He keeps his eyes trained on my toes as he paints my toenails with a surprising level of precision. The little brush looks absurd in his massive palms. It’s not like my belly is so big that I can’t paint my own toes, but he wanted to do it, and I thought it would be entertaining to witness. However, now that I’ve discovered he has a steadier hand than I do, I’m not going to stop him.
My wiggling is unintentional. “I can’t help it, I’m ticklish.”
“Maybe I should bust out the restraints again,” he mutters. He glances up at me a second with one raised brow.Oh.
The seductive threat distracts me from the touchy sensations on my feet. Visions of the night he tied me up put a soft smile on my face. My body heat rises as the memories flood my mind. Ugh, that was so hot. The control he exerted was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. He’s the only man who can quiet my busy thoughts so I can escape reality.
“Weather looks like it’s going to be great while we’re there.”
He cocks his head and narrows his eyes. “Something on your mind, baby girl?”
I glare at him with a smile as I’m brought back to the present and discussing our holiday trip to Florida with the Conways. The reason he’s painting my toes aShoulda Blue Himblue. A delicate cerulean that perfectly matches the new sundress I packed. We’ll only be there a few days, but after weeks of sneaking around, I’m looking forward to us existing without cameras. A chance to unplug from the show and all the stress that comes with it, mostly for Sully. Being discreet has been hard on him. Pun very much intended.
“You’re mean.”
He chuckles. “As soon as these nails dry, I’ll make it up to you.” He winks at me. He’s so sexy. I’m such a sucker for his winks, and he only gives them to me, which makes them more special.
“You’re going to have to wait until Florida. We’ve only got three hours till we need to leave.” Raleigh and Barrett are the only two people who know we’re spending the holidays together. Sully blows on my toes, and I jerk away from his touch. It tickles so much. Then he unscrews the clear polish next to him and adds a topcoat.
“I’ll be fast.”
I bark out a laugh and shake my head. That’s funny. “No, sweetheart. You won’t.”
I’m positive Sully couldn’t perform a quickie if his life depended on it—that’s not a complaint. He’sthorough. He takes his time, and every minute is pure bliss. The stamina of this man is like nothing I’ve ever seen. He’s a machine.
After speaking with Raleigh, it seems that’s not unusual for hockey players. A few days ago, I made it my mission to wear him out. I had to tap out at the two-hour mark. I’m curious what a record length of time would be for him, but I’ll never know. I wouldn’t survive the results.