Page 84 of Coach Sully
“Let’s go.” He puts an arm around me and is ready to take off for the exit.
I plant my feet on the ground, and he whirls around when he notices I’m not moving. “You stay. Rachel is going to take me. I will call you as soon as I find out—”
His nostrils flare. “Kendra, you are out of your goddamn mind if you think somebody else is taking you to the emergency room. Let’s. Go.”
Next to me, Rachel’s gaze is ping-ponging between us.
He looks at her. “I’m taking Kendra to the ER. Tell them we can reschedule this for another time.”
“Ohhhkay?” Of course Rachel is confused. This whole situation is a clusterfuck.
I open my mouth to speak when Jeremy shouts, “Sully, we need you over here.” He points to one of the empty chairs. Sully rolls his eyes and shakes his head, so naturally, Jeremy clomps over in our direction. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
As soon as Jeremy is within earshot, Sully glances down at him. “I’m taking Kendra, we’ll reschedule.”
He rears his head back with a pinched expression. “Sully, we’ve got it under control. Rachel is taking her. Please sit so we can begin shooting. The crew is already set up and waiting. Stay out of this.”
Sully invades his space, and I hold my breath.Shit, what is he doing?
“That’s my child. Kendra is leaving with me. We are done.” He disconnects his mic and shoves it into Jeremy’s chest.
I’m frozen in place. He told them. He revealed everything.
“Now, Kendra.”
My blank stare is echoed by Jeremy’s. I don’t know how to explain. There’s nothing to explain. Nothing can be said. It’s over.
A big arm braces my back, then I’m being ushered toward the exit. Without saying a word, my feet shuffle all the way to Sully’s vehicle.One thing at a time, I think, trying to compartmentalize what happened. I can’t have a breakdown here. Bo needs my attention right now. Bo is my priority.
Ireturn the clipboard to the front desk clerk and ask when we’ll be seen. It’s the same as before:shortly. When I get back to Kendra, she’s hunched forward in her chair as we impatiently sit in the emergency room waiting room. This is purgatory. About fifteen other people sit in chairs around the room. I don’t understand why she isn’t being rushed back.
I crouch in front of her and take her hands in mine. “It’s going to be okay.”
She sniffles and wraps her arms around my neck. “Don’t talk to me right now.”
I’m sure there’s a better way I could have snuck out of filming, but I panicked. I apologized in the car numerous times, but there was no getting around it. I needed to be here, and whether she admits it or not, she needs me here too. I nod, stay quiet, and hold her.
She clutches my shirt, and I swipe the tear that falls down her cheek.
“Kendra?” a nurse calls from one of the doors.
Fucking finally.
I stand, pulling her to her feet. She walks ahead, not letting go as I follow behind.
“Hi, Kendra, how are you doing today?” the nurse asks.
I roll my eyes. We’re at the emergency room, the answer to that seems pretty obvious.
“I’ve been better,” she answers.
We are led to a small room with a sliding glass door. Inside is a bed, two small chairs, the same kind they had in the waiting room, and a small sink. “I’m sorry to hear that. It looks like you’re almost twenty-nine weeks?”
“Yes,” Kendra mutters, her voice beaten down.
“Tell me what’s been going on.”
“Um, I haven’t been feeling well, and then I noticed a small amount of blood in my underwear while I was at work, and I didn’t know what to do.” Her voice shakes. “I looked it up and saw that maybe some of my symptoms for being sick might actually be… I-I don’t remember feeling the baby kick at all today. Or last night.”