Page 36 of Fight
“Don’t say the B-word.”
“Fine, fine… But seriously, what’s a girl gotta do to get a patient with a dislocated shoulder or?—”
Tones drop and dispatch cuts through the radio. My face lights up like it’s Christmas morning, and I jump out of my chair.
“Dispatch to Medic twenty-three.” The voice is half static.
Matt points a finger toward me as we head to the rig. “What did I say, huh? What did I say?”
Smiling ear to ear, I wrap my hand around the radio at my shoulder and push the button on the side. “Medic twenty-three. Go ahead.”
I glance over to Matt as we climb into the ambulance cab. “I still don't believe your superstitions.”
“Medic twenty-three, respond to six-four-five Wilson. Six-four-five Wilson. Nineteen-year-old male subject is claiming he was attacked by a…pterodactyl? Thirteen-twenty.”
Matt overrides the radio.
“Dispatch, repeat last transmission.”
I furrow my brow.What the fuck? I mouth to him. Did they saypterodactyl?
“You conjured it. Today is about to suck.”
“Six-four-five Wilson. Nineteen-year-old male subject is complaining of a pterodactyl attack. Suspected drug use. Do you request backup?”
I nod yes. Matt presses his radio and looks me dead in the eye when he says. “Negative. Scottie’s got this one. En route.”
I shake my head. “I don’t do pterodactyls.”
“Today you do.”
I fall to my knees after I walk in my apartment door and kick it shut. I’m exhausted. It started with the teenage patient who ingested approximately 600 milligrams of THC, and ended with a pissed-off Gladys Kravitz with second-degree burns. Apparently, she was so angry her neighbor’s tomato plants were encroaching on her yard that she resorted to M-80s. She’s lucky she didn’t blow her hand clean off. This town is fucking nuts.
My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I groan. I pull myself up and fish it out with a sigh. Probably Matt giving me shit after the insane day we had.
I see Callahan’s name and flip it open.
What are you up to?
Just got home from work.
Sorry it’s been busy lately.
No worries. Hope everything’s all right.
I think we should talk.
My stomach sinks, but I try to stay positive. I’m picking up a split shift tonight for some extra cash, which means I’ve got roughly six hours left for sleep before I have to be up and get ready for third shift. And I need the sleep.
Sorry, I can’t tonight. Could we meet up for coffee tomorrow morning?